窗外雪纷纷 室内暖融融——参观太阳能暖房散记

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我早就想去参观一下京郊的太阳能暖房,但一直未能如愿。当我决定乘2月27日去昌平开会之机顺便采写一篇关于太阳能暖房的报导时,想不到天公不作美,下起了迷蒙的细雪。在这没有阳光的阴霾天气,我们走进了铺银挂玉的昌平县西沙屯村。在村民委员会里,年轻的李主任热情地向我们介绍说:“我们村建太阳能暖房完全是自发的。八三年,村里有个叫朱俊明的,他有个亲戚在太阳能研究所,就‘近水楼台先得月’盖起了全村第一户太阳能暖房。八三年冬天建成使用后,陈希同市长就来参观了。八四年初,于光远同志也来参观了。络绎不绝的参观者给我们村带来了建太阳能暖房的春天,估计今年要建的户将更多。”李主任介绍到这,刚好朱俊明的老伴来此有事。这位心宽体胖的妇女听明我们的来意,马上笑容可掬地对我们表示欢迎说:“我们屋可暖和了,家里一冬天都没生火,而且那暖和劲跟生炉子不一样。” I have long wanted to visit the suburbs of the solar greenhouse, but has been unable to do so. When I decided to take the opportunity to go to the Changping meeting machine on February 27 and write a story about the solar thermal house, I could not imagine that the gods were not beautiful, and that the snow had become miserable. In this hazeless weather, we walked into Xishantun Village, Changping County, where silver ornaments hang. In the village committee, the young director Li warmly introduced to us: “Our village built a solar-powered heating room completely spontaneous. In 1983, there was a man named Zhu Junming in the village, and he had a relative at the Solar Energy Research Institute, Near the water tower first month ’cover the village’s first solar thermal greenhouse built in winter after the winter of 2003, Chen Xitong came to visit the mayor. In early 1984, Comrade Yu Guangyuan also came to visit an endless stream of visits Who brought to our village the spring of building solar-heated rooms, it is estimated that more households will be built this year. ”Director Li introduced this, just Zhu Junming’s wife came to this trouble. The heart - size fat woman, who had heard our good intention, immediately smiled at us and said: "Our house is warm. There is no winter in the house, and the warmth is not the same as raw cooking.
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