Zircon SHRIMP geochronology of the Xinkailing-Kele complex in the northwestern Lesser Xing'an R

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangwangge
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Located in the eastern portion of the Xing’an-Mongolian Orogenic Belt (XMOB), the Xinkailing-Kele complex has previously been considered to be Precambrian metamorphic rocks, mainly according to its relatively high metamorphic grade. Our filed observation, however, revealed that the complex is composed mainly of metamorphic rocks (Kele complex), tectono-schists (“Xinkailing Group”), and granitoids (Xinkailing granitic complex). Dating on these rocks using advanced SHRIMP zircon U-Pb technique indicates that: (1) Biotite-plagioclase gneiss from the Kele complex has a protolith age of 337±7 Ma (2σ) and a metamorphic age of 216±3 Ma (2σ); (2) the tectono-schist of the “Xinkailing Group” gave a magmatic age of 292±6 Ma (2σ), indicative of felsic volcanic protolith of the schist formed in late Paleozoic time; and (3) the Menluhedingzi and Lengchuan granites of the Xinkailing granitic complex were emplaced at 167±4 (2σ) and 164±4 Ma (2σ), respectively. These results suggest that the Xinkailing-Kele c Located in the eastern portion of the Xing’an-Mongolian Orogenic Belt (XMOB), the Xinkailing-Kele complex has previously been considered to be Precambrian metamorphic rocks, mainly according to its relatively high metamorphic grade. Our filed observation, however, revealed that the complex is composed mainly of metamorphic rocks (Kele complex), tectono-schists (“Xinkailing Group”), and granitoids (Xinkailing granitic complex). Dating on these rocks using advanced SHRIMP zircon U-Pb technique means that: ) Biotite-plagioclase gneiss from the Kele complex has a protolith age of 337 ± 7 Ma (2σ) and a metamorphic age of 216 ± 3 Ma (2σ); (2) the tectono-schist of the “Xinkailing Group” gave The magmatic age of 292 ± 6 Ma (2σ), indicative of felsic volcanic protolith of the schist formed in late Paleozoic time; and (3) the Menluhedingzi and Lengchuan granites of the Xinkailing granitic complex were emplaced at 167 ± 4 (2σ) and 164 ± 4 Ma (2σ), respectively. These results suggest that the Xinkailing-Kele c
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