
来源 :新高考(语文备考) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asdfzxcvasdf
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我国的文化传统源远流长,传世至今的优秀文学作品数不胜数。我国自古即有诗书传家的优良传统,古人曾云:“唯书是药,可治人之愚。”背诵一定数量的名篇,是中学语文教学大纲的要求之一,它有助于培养学生热爱中华优秀文化的感情,有助于培养学生高尚的审美情趣和一定的审美能力,因而古人有“腹有诗书气自华”的说法。《2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲》已经出炉,名句名篇默写仍然是试卷的必考内容,并且是高考一个重要的考查点。从 Our country’s cultural tradition has a long history, and numerous outstanding literary works handed down to the present day are numerous. Since ancient times, our country has a fine tradition of poetry and calligrapher, the ancients Zeng Yun said: “The only book is medicine, people can handle the stupid.” Recite a certain number of famous articles, is one of the requirements of the Chinese language syllabus, it has It helps to cultivate students ’affection for Chinese excellent culture, helps to cultivate students’ noble aesthetic taste and certain aesthetic ability, and thus the ancients have the saying of “having a belly with poetry and writing”. “2017 college enrollment of the national unified examination outline” has been released, the famous monologue is still the exam papers will be the content, and is an important exam point college entrance examination. From
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摘 要三角函数问题是历年高考中必出的问题,本文从帮助学生有效学习本部分内容入手,对高考中的三角函数的基本题型的有效问题进行了总结式学习,以帮助学生在高考中本部分得到较好的分数。  【关键词】三角函数;高考内容;分类  三角函数在数学中属于初等函数中超越函数的一类函数,它们的本质是任意角的集合与一个比值的集合的变量之间的映射,笔者认为只要考生、把握良好的学习策略,就能在高考中本部分取得较好的分数,笔
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