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作为世界最大的综合性电子产品贸易展览会之一的香港电子展(香港秋季电子产品展),日前在香港会议展览中心隆重举行,有来自世界多个国家和地区的电子行业知名品牌同台亮相,在这里展出了最新、最顶尖的电子产品。据悉,此次展会的参观人数超过5万人,其规模之大、影响力之广泛为世界所公认。本期介绍展会中的部分新品,以飨读者。 Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Hong Kong Electronics Fair), one of the largest integrated electronics trade shows in the world, was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center recently. Several well-known electronics brands from many countries and regions came together on the same stage , Where the latest and top electronic products are exhibited. It is reported that the number of visitors to the show more than 50,000 people, its size, the influence of the widely recognized by the world. This issue introduces some new products in the exhibition to readers.
夜色来临,华灯初上,潍坊市区夜色阑珊。城区主干道北海路格外引人注目,设计成蝴蝶形状的新型LED灯饰,轻巧、飘逸,翩翩欲飞,为行人带来一份愉悦。    潍坊北海路是世界上第一条完全采用LED照明的城市主干道。目前,这个市已安装LED路灯3万多盏,到2011年将达到10万盏,成为全国“十城万盏”半导体照明应用工程试点城市。  潍坊光电产业基础雄厚,在全国具有较强的竞争力。在转方式调结构过程中,这个市借
国家统计局日前称,1996年中国国民经济保持快速、稳定增长,“软着陆”基本成功。全年国内生产总值达67800亿元。 1996年主要农产品供求偏紧状况进一步得到改善,粮食总产量再
Although the observed progress in the cardiovascular disease treatment, the incidence of new and recurrent coronary artery disease remains elevated and constitu
1 病例特点  ①患儿 ,女 ,3岁 ;②双下肢非凹陷性浮肿 ,2个月前有不明原因浮肿史 ;③腹痛、齿龈出血 ,无鼻出血、便血、尿血 ,无关节肿痛 ;④平素易反复呼吸道感染 ;⑤精
An inhomogeneously broadened two-mode laser system with cross-correlations between the real and imaginaryparts of quantum noise is considered. The Fokker-Planc
Using the Keldysh nonequilibrium Green function and equation-of-motion technique,this paper studies the magnetotransport through an Aharonov-Bohm(AB) ring with