
来源 :法学探索.贵州省政法管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tomotar
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“法制文学”这一近年来产生的新概念,就其内涵,可作如下界说,即以法制生活为主要题材的文学.它包括各种侦探故事、推理小说、惊险小说、犯罪故事、破案通讯、谴责小说、公案传奇等.在法制文学作品中,悬念技巧的大量运用,已成为法制文学的重要特征之一,也是法制文学作品之所以拥有广大读者群的主要奥秘之一.法制文学作品中的悬念与非法制文学作品中的悬念进行比较,法制文学作品中的悬念数量之多、质量之高、层次之丰、设置之妙,都是非法制文学作品的悬念望尘莫及的.下面,笔者就法制文学作品中的悬念的特征和规律作一次探讨.一、悬念的内涵及作用悬念是个奇妙的东西,它犹如一块心理磁铁,常常把读者松散、飘忽、游离的目光牢牢地吸附在作品里,使读者不忍释卷,一口气把作品读完.心理学告诉我们:好奇之心,人皆有之.而悬念正是作者利用读者关切人物命运和故事结局的好奇之心,将人物与情节的谜底暂时隐藏起来,以吊读者胃口,撩读者欲望的一种写作技法.悬念除了推动情节发展,加强人物塑造、深化主题思想等辅助性作用外,最主要作用就是发挥其磁性效力,吸引读者,使读者不停息地把作品读完.请看《法制文学选刊》刊载的小说《罗愫之谜》的内容提要:“窈窕淑女”罗愫,孤身一人,出没无常,她从何而来?要到什么地方? The new concept of “legal literature”, which has been produced in recent years, can be defined in terms of its connotation, that is, the main theme of which is the legal system of life. It includes all kinds of detective stories, reasoning novels, thrillers, crime stories, Communication, censure novels, legend of public law etc. In the works of legal literatures, the extensive use of suspense techniques has become one of the important features of legal literature and one of the main mysteries of the fact that legal literary works have a large readership. Is compared with the suspense in illegitimate literary works, the number of suspense in legal literary works is much, the quality is high, the abundance of levels and the setting is wonderful, all of them are far beyond the suspense of illegitimate literary works. First, the suspense connotation and role Suspense is a wonderful thing, it is like a psychological magnet, often the reader loose, erratic, free eyes firmly adsorbed in the works , So that readers can not bear to release, breath to finish the work .Psychology tells us: curiosity, everyone has .And suspense is the author Lee With the reader’s curiosity concerned with the fate of the characters and the ending of the story, the author will temporarily hide the mystery of the characters and the plot in order to draw the reader’s appetite and flirt with the readers’ desires. Suspense Besides promoting the development of the plot, strengthening the characterization and deepening the theme And other auxiliary roles, the most important role is to play its magnetic effectiveness, to attract readers, so that the reader non-stop reading of the work. See “Legal Journalism” published in the novel “mystery Luo Luo” Summary: “窈 窕Ladies ”Luo Zhi, alone, infrequently, she came from? To where?
■  1. —Jenny, you have got the first prize in the competition. Congratulations!   —_______.(2011年,广东省清远市)  A. That’s my good luckB. Oh,it’s nothing  C. Thank youD. You can do it, too  2. —If you hav
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