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“维护社会稳定、全面推进安全发展关系到广大人民群众的切身利益,关系到全省改革发展稳定大局,是实现富民强省、全面振兴和全面建成小康社会宏伟目标的基本保障。”在省十二届人大二次会议上,代表们就《政府工作报告》中强调的“全面推进安全发展”十分关注,讨论热烈。白城代表团人大代表在审议政府工作报告时说,去年以来,我省以民生建设为根本,以基层平安为重点,以法治建设为保障,以科技信息为支撑,以 “Maintaining social stability and promoting security in an all-round way have an important bearing on the vital interests of the broad masses of the people and the overall situation of reform, development, and stability in the province, and are the basic guarantee for the grand goal of enriching the people and strengthening the province and comprehensively rejuvenating the well-to-do society.” At the second meeting of the 12th National People’s Congress of Hunan Province, the deputies paid great attention to and discussed the issue of “promoting the safety and development in an all-round way” emphasized in the “Report on the Work of the Government.” During the deliberation on the government work report, the NPC deputies of Baicheng delegation said that since last year, our province has taken the people’s livelihood as the fundamental task, the grass-roots peace as the key point, the law-based construction as the guarantee and the scientific and technological information as the support to
说明:机夹硬质合金不重磨刀片振动研磨机是由电机带动软轴使偏心轴旋转,使支撑在弹簧板上的研磨盘振动。将刀片放在研磨盘上,加上立方碳化硼研磨砂(B_4C 180~#~200~#)和适量
本文叙述了先进的封接技术——固态扩散封接的机理、优越性以及应用于封接加速管的试验工作。 This article describes the advanced sealing technology - the mechanism o
Consciously and unconsciously,besides language people frequently use nonverbal communication—postures,body move-ments,and facial expressions while communicatin
一、整地 1、栽植密度。耕地退耕还林营造生态林株距2米,行距3米;非耕地河滩大面积集中连片营造速生丰产用材林株距3米,行距4米;“四旁”通风透光条件良好地块可根据具体情
本标准适用于组合机床及其自动线的多轴攻丝动力头。 1.多轴攻丝动力头以相应的滑台台面宽度B为名义尺寸。 2.多轴攻丝动力头的名义尺寸、参数、互换尺寸应符合下列图表规定
当前,一些学者研究提出:预算会计应当更名,并相应调整预算会计组成体系。笔者有不同的看法。三种名称 (一)非营利组织。目前,我国正式文件中尚没有非营利组织(Non-Profit-Or