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新材料是国家七大战略性新兴产业之一,也是我国石化和化学工业加快转变发展方式的重要着力点,并且与能源、信息、装备制造、节能环保、生物医学等产业密切相关。目前,新材料已被列入国家、各级地方政府以及生产企业的规划重点,投资者重点研究的热点领域。材料的“新”与“旧”其实是相对的,既取决于产品本身的技术含量、使用性能、工艺水平,也与该国的社会发展阶段、区域市场的稀缺程度有关。特别在材料科学飞速发展、生产技术日新月异的现代社会,“新材料”的内涵、所包括的品种也在以空前的速度更新换代——一些较为熟知的“新材料”已经或正在逐步实现大量生产和普遍使用,同时又不断有更加新颖的材料产品涌现。因此,要提升我国新材料产业发展水平,就必须开拓视野,紧密跟踪国内外新材料产业发展的前沿动向,不断向材料产业金字塔的顶端迈进,早日使我国成为国际新材料产业的领跑者。鉴于上述目的,本刊从2012年第11期起,增设“新材料进展”专栏,请石油和化学工业规划院陈瑞峰主持,每期重点介绍2~3个近期在国内外取得重大研究突破和产业化应用的新型材料,希望能够帮助致力于新材料产业发展的研究者和企业家们开阔视野,寻找到更新、更好的产业投资机会。上期及本期重点介绍富勒烯、碳纳米管、石墨烯及其复合材料的产品特点、用途及国内外产业化进展情况。 The new material is one of the country’s seven strategic emerging industries. It is also an important focus of China’s petrochemical and chemical industries in accelerating the transformation of their mode of development. It is also closely linked to such industries as energy, information and equipment manufacturing, energy conservation and environmental protection, and biomedicine. At present, the new material has been included in the national, all levels of local government and manufacturing enterprises planning priorities, investors focus on the hot areas of research. Material “new ” and “old ” is actually relative, both depends on the product’s technical content, performance, technology level, but also with the country’s social development stage, the degree of scarcity of regional markets. Especially in the modern society where materials science is developing rapidly and production technology is changing rapidly, the content of “new materials” and the varieties covered are also being replaced at an unprecedented rate. Some of the more familiar “new materials” have been or are being implemented The gradual realization of mass production and universal use, while constantly there are more innovative material products emerge. Therefore, in order to enhance the development level of China’s new material industry, we must broaden our horizons and closely follow the leading trends in the development of new material industries at home and abroad. We must continue to move toward the top of the pyramid of materials industry and make China a leader in the international new material industry as early as possible. In view of the aforesaid purpose, we will add the Column “Progress of New Materials” since the 11th of 2012, and presided over by Chen Ruifeng, director of the Petroleum and Chemical Industry Planning Institute. Each issue focuses on 2 to 3 recent major studies at home and abroad Breakthrough and industrial application of new materials, hoping to help researchers and entrepreneurs committed to the development of new materials industry broaden their horizons, to find newer and better investment opportunities in the industry. The previous period and the current period focus on fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, graphene and composite materials, product features, uses and progress of industrialization at home and abroad.
目的 探讨中西医结合治疗糖尿病足的临床效果.方法 选取2013年1月-2018年1月收治的114例糖尿病足患者,数字随机分为2组,各57例.对照组采取西医常规治疗,研究组在常规西医治疗
膈下逐瘀汤来源于王清任的,是活血化瘀、行气止痛的良方,它是由五灵脂6 g(炒)、当归9 g、川芎6 g、桃仁9 g (研泥)、丹皮6 g、赤芍6 g、延胡索3 g、乌药6 g、甘草9 g、香附4.
1 临床资料rn患者女,38岁.以停经64 d,发现左附件包块18 d为主诉入院.患者孕3产1人工流产2次,平素月经规律,妇科检查:左侧附件区可触及一约鸡卵大小包块,边界尚清,触痛(-),右
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