Suppressor of RNA silencing encoded by Rice gall dwarf virus genome segment 11

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Rice gall dwarf virus(RGDV)is an important rice pathogen in China and Southeast Asia.However,little is known about the molecular mechanisms of RGDV interactions with plant cells.Here,we have identi-fied an RGDV protein,Pns11,which acts as a suppressor of RNA silencing in coinfiltration assays with the reporter,green fluorescent protein(GFP)in transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana line 16c carrying GFP.Pns11 suppressed local and systemic silencing induced by sense RNA.The spread of mobile RNA si-lencing signals was blocked or inactivated by Pns11.Expression of Pns11 also enhanced Potato virus X pathogenicity in N.benthamiana.This suppressor could reduce,but not eliminate,siRNA in the local and systemic RNA silencing suppression assays,suggesting that Pns11 functions by interfering with initial stages of RNA silencing. Rice gall dwarf virus (RGDV) is an important rice pathogen in China and Southeast Asia. Yet, little is known about the molecular mechanisms of RGDV interactions with plant cells. Here, we have identi- fied an RGDV protein, Pns11, which acts as a suppressor of RNA silencing in coinfiltration assays with the reporter, green fluorescent protein (GFP) in transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana line 16c carrying GFP. Pnsll suppressed local and systemic silencing induced by sense RNA. The spread of mobile RNA si-lencing signals was blocked or inactivated by Pnsl 1. Expression of Pnsl 1 also enhanced Potato virus X pathogenicity in N. benthamiana. Here suppressor could reduce, but not eliminate, siRNA in the local and systemic RNA silencing suppression assays, suggesting that Pnsl 1 functions by interfering with initial stages of RNA silencing .
【摘要】随着用电负荷的不断扩大,电网科学规划的重要性越来越明显,文章基于差异化视角对电网规划技术进行了分析,具有一定的参考价值。  【关键词】差异化;电网规划  【中图分类号】TM862  【文献标识码】A  【文章编号】1672—5158(2012)10-0250-01  泵站的直流系统是蓄电池组与浮充电装置并联供给直流负荷的运行系统。正常情况下,直流电源的正、负母线对地是绝缘的,当回路发生一点
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Objective:A novel portable and intelligent fluid resuscitation infuser is proposed in this paper. It satisfies the demands of long time use in harsh environment
1 热带轧机在线检测新设备 图1是安装于Hoesch钢铁公司热带轧机上的新的检测及控制系统的示意图。 1.1 粗轧机的板坯尺寸控制 实践表明,热带的断面厚度及宽度是热轧带钢粗轧