Performance of polymer/CdS organic-inorganic hybrid LEDs

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:li13688
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Organic-inorganic hybrid light emitting diodes(LEDs) were fabricated by incorporating cadmium sulphide(Cd S) nanoparticles in hole transporting layer and light emitting materials of a polymer LED. The Cd S nanoparticles with size of 10 nm were synthesized by precipitation technique. The LEDs incorporated with the Cd S nanoparticles show a reduction in turn on voltage and luminance. When the nanoparticles are incorporated in a suitable fluorene based light emitting polymer, the luminance is increased along with the decrease of turn on voltage. Organic-inorganic hybrid light emitting diodes (LEDs) were fabricated by incorporating cadmium sulphide (Cd S) nanoparticles in hole transporting layer and light emitting materials of a polymer LED. The Cd S nanoparticles with size of 10 nm were synthesized by precipitation technique. The LEDs incorporated with the Cd S nanoparticles show a reduction in turn on voltage and luminance. When the nanoparticles are incorporated in a suitable fluorene based light emitting polymer, the luminance is increased along with the decrease of turn on voltage.
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