Imperative for improvements and international convergence of intrapartum fetal monitoring: A bird�

来源 :World Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:judehui01
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Intrapartum fetal monitoring has been criticized for the lack of evidence of improvement in fetal outcome despite causing increased operative intervention. Paradoxically, cardiotocography(CTG) has been a major driver for litigation for neonatal neurological injury. This analytical review tries to explore why extensive clinical studies and trials over 50 years have failed to demonstrate or bring about significant improvement in intrapartum fetal monitoring. There seems a need for significant reform. International congruence on most aspects of CTG interpretation [definitions of fetal heart rate(FHR) parameters, CTG recording speed, 3-tier systems, etc.] is highly desirable to facilitate future meaningful clinical studies, evaluation and progress in this field. The FHR changes are non-specific and poor surrogate for fetal well-being. As a compromise for maintaining low false-negative results for fetal acidemia, a high false-positive value may have to be accepted. The need for redefining the place of adjuvant tests of fetal well-being like fetal blood sampling or fetal electrocardiography(ECG) is discussed. The FHR decelerations are often deterministic(center-stage) in CTG interpretation and 3-tier categorization. It is discussed if their scientific and physiological classification(avoiding framing and confirmation biases) may be best based on time relationship to uterine contractions alone. This may provide a more sound foundation which could improve the reliability and further evolution of 3-tier systems. Results of several trials of fetal ECG(STAN) have been inconclusive and a need for a fresh approach or strategy is considered. It is hoped that the long anticipated Computer-aided analysis of CTG will be more objective and reliable(overcome human factors) and will offer valuable support or may eventually replace visual CTG interpretation. In any case, the recording and archiving all CTGs digitally and testing cord blood gases routinely in every delivery would be highly desirable for future research. This would facilitate well designed retrospective studies which can be very informative especially when prospective randomised controlled trials are often difficult and resource-intensive. Intrapartum fetal monitoring has been criticized for the lack of evidence of improvement in an inability to even cause causing operative intervention. Paradoxically, cardiotocography (CTG) has been a major driver for litigation for neonatal neurological injury. This analytical review tries to explore why extensive clinical studies and trials over 50 years have failed to demonstrate or bring about significant improvement in intrapartum fetal monitoring. There seems a need for significant reform. International congruence on most aspects of CTG interpretation [definitions of fetal heart rate (FHR) parameters, CTG recording speed, 3-tier systems, etc.] is highly desirable to for future meaningful clinical studies, evaluation and progress in this field. The FHR changes are non-specific and poor surrogate for fetal well-being. As a compromise for maintaining low false-negative results for fetal acidemia, a high false-positive value may have to be accepted. The need for redefining t The place of adjuvant tests of fetal well-being like fetal blood sampling or fetal electrocardiography (ECG) is discussed. The FHR decelerations are often deterministic (center-stage) in CTG interpretation and 3-tier categorization. It is discussed if their scientific and physiological avoidance framing and confirmation biases may be best based on time relationship to uterine contractions alone. This may provide a more sound foundation which could improve the reliability and further evolution of 3-tier systems. STAN) have been inconclusive and a need for a fresh approach or strategy is considered. It is hoped that the long anticipated Computer-aided analysis of CTG will be more objective and reliable (overcome human factors) and will offer valuable support or may eventually replaced visual CTG interpretation. In any case, the recording and archiving all CTGs digitally and testing cord blood gases routinely in every delivery would be highly desirable for future research. This would facilitate well designed retrospective studies which can be very informative especially when prospective randomized controlled trials are often difficult and resource-intensive.
水文地质勘探中抽水试验是一项重要的任务;它的精确与否直接影响水文地质调查的质量。 一、木箱三角堰法。 a.三角堰的制作方法:取一个宽≥4H深≥2.5H的肥皂箱并在其纵端切
目的探讨充血性心力衰竭(CHF)患者血浆脑钠素(BNP)水平的变化及培哚普利联合左卡尼汀的干预治疗作用。方法 86例CHF患者给予培哚普利4 mg/d口服,左卡尼汀3 g/d静滴疗程两周。
锻热淬火应用于生产中,近年来有了飞跃的进展。本文就其批量生产中实际应用了的锻件。对其强化效果、经济效果进行探讨,并对推广应用时,在设计中应解决的问题进行了论述。 F
随着现代工业的不断发展,链条传动被广泛地应用于汽车、拖拉机、摩托车、机床、联合收割机、轻纺机械、交通运输机械的动力链等行业。 链条生产中,链板的加工是其关键之一,
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