
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinliping
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Objective. -To examine the associations between severe headaches (SH), psychological distress, and comorbid conditions among U.S. adults. Background. -The lifetime prevalence of headaches is over 90%and headaches, particularly migraines, have been associated with disability, increased healthcare costs, and mood disorders. Methods. -We analyzed data obtained from adults aged 18 years or older (n = 29,828) who participated in the 2002 National Health Interview Survey, an ongoing, computer-assisted personal interview of a representative sample of the U.S. population. Results. -Approximately 15.1%of adults aged 18 years or older reported SH in the previous 3 months. Those reporting such headaches were significantly more likely, than those who did not, to report insomnia, excessive sleepiness, recurrent pain, and depressive or anxiety symptoms during the preceding 12 months. Approximately 88%of those who reported having had SH within the previous 3 months also indicated that they had at least one comorbid medical condition, relative to 67%of those without SH. Conclusion. -Despite their episodic nature, our results suggest that SH are associated with impairments in both physical and mental health. As the presence of SH may serve as an indicator of significant psychological distress and medical comorbidities, eliciting information about their occurrence during a standard medical examination appears to be warranted. Objective -To examine the associations between severe headaches (SH), psychological distress, and comorbid conditions among US adults. Background. -The lifetime prevalence of headaches is over 90% and headaches, particularly migraines, have been associated with disability, increased healthcare costs, and mood disorders. Methods. -We analyzed data obtained from adults aged 18 years or older (n = 29,828) who participated in the 2002 National Health Interview Survey, an ongoing, computer-assisted personal interview of a representative sample of the US population. Results. -Approximately 15.1% of adults aged 18 years or older reported SH in the previous 3 months. Those reporting such headaches were significantly more likely, than those who did not, to report insomnia, excessive sleepiness, recurrent pain, and depressive or anxiety symptoms during the preceding 12 months. Approximately 88% of those who reported had had within 3 months also indicated that they had at lea Conclusion one of them without SH. Conclusion. -Despite their episodic nature, our results suggest that SH are associated with impairments in both physical and mental health. As the presence of SH may serve as an indicator of significant psychological distress and medical comorbidities, eliciting information about their occurrence during a standard Medical examination appears to be warranted.
我家住在黄河岸边一个绿树掩映的小村庄,几个小村子毗邻而居,相依相傍。  年纪渐长,颇有了些怀旧心理。蓦然回首时,童年岁月即似那熟悉的小村庄上空飘荡的炊烟,丝丝缕缕,袅袅渺渺,穿越时光,清晰呈现在眼前:  上世纪七十年代,正值计划经济时期,物质极端匮乏。副食品短缺,粮票、布票、油票、糖票、肉票……好多商品皆凭票定量供应。  欲望低,也就易满足。但,小孩子都是嘴馋的。凡是能吃到嘴里的吃食,都能带给我们
摘要:语文综合性学习是指综合运用语文知识去分析问题,解决问题,以促进学生语文素养的整体提高,以及学生知识能力与情感态度价值观的协调发展。综合性学习本身就是语文常规教学的一个内容,是每一个学生的必修课。“综合性学习”是与“识字与写字”、“阅读”、“写作”、“口语交际”相并列的语文课程的有机组成部分。  关键词:小学;语文;综合性;学习  中图分类号:G427文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-771
对习作的要求,《语文课程标准》提到:“能不拘形式地写下自己的见闻、感受和想象,注意把自己觉得新奇有趣或印象最深、最受感动的内容写清楚。”可见,人们希望的写作是开心的、真实的、随性的。但是对于学生而言,他们常常对写作望而生畏,退避三舍,因为他们不知从何下笔、如何写作。为此,笔者从“口头作文”“片段作文”“模仿作文”三个方面,浅谈个性化补白教材对写作的促进作用。  小学生的写作瓶颈  “我手写我口,我
调查了不同面粉受螨虫污染的情况,并鉴定了螨虫类别,对螨虫的防治有一定的参考价值。 Investigation of different flour contaminated by mites, and identification of mi