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今年53岁的冯玉洁去年遭遇家庭变故,相伴多年的丈夫因病离世,抛下她和一个正在读高中、即将参加高考的儿子,以及因给丈夫治病而欠下的一身债务。眼看儿子因家贫即将失学,她觉得自己的天都要塌了。独自一人在痛苦和生活的双重压力下艰难度日。冯玉洁说:“我当时特别无助,感觉一切都没有希望了。”但是为了儿子,她只能自己一个人强撑下去,无论如何也要和儿子好好活下去。丈夫去世后,她面临的首要问题就是挣钱还债和抚养儿子成才,单靠自己微薄的收入是无法供孩子好好 Feng Yuk-shing, 53, was hit by a family affair last year. Her husband, who passed away for years, passed away and left her with a son who is going to high school and is about to attend the college entrance examination and a debt owed to her husband for medical treatment. When her son was about to lose her school due to her poverty, she felt her own sky collapsed. Alone under the dual pressure of pain and life difficult time. Feng Yujie said: “I was particularly helpless, I feel everything has no hope. ” But for the son, she can only support one person, in any case and son to survive. Her husband’s death, she faces the primary problem is to earn money and raise their son’s son, only their own meager income can not be good for children