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[参考译文]过了一会儿,路变得又窄又陡。越走越窄,也更难往上爬,福达开始感到很疲惫。他爬上一处无路可走的地点,眼前只有茂密的森林和陡峭的山坡。他接着往上爬,周围的空气越来越冷,他的呼吸都带着白色的水汽,围绕在身旁,透过树叶的缝隙,他时不时地看到山顶依然很遥远。他自 After a while, the road became narrow and steep. Narrower and narrower, and harder to climb, Fuda began to feel tired. He climbed a pathless place with only dense forests and steep hills in front of him. He then climbed up and the air around him was getting colder and colder. His breath was all with white water vapor, and he was surrounded by the cracks in the leaves. From time to time he saw the top of the mountain still far away. He himself
中国香甜可口的时鲜水果在外国人嘴里总是别有一番滋味。美国女孩 DaltonDorne 自然也不例外。让我们一起来分享她的体验吧。 China’s sweet and delicious seasonal fruit
When we survey all known human societies , we find everywhere some form of the family, some set of permanent arrangements by which males assist females in cari
SULTRY weather and the swaying of the train made Edouard Tourville’s head droop. His wife,Marie-Anne, dozed beside him. The tiny, gentle-voiced woman had seld
2006年被人们预测为创业的项目年。2006年做哪些创业项目会更有“钱途”呢? 2005年末有统计显示,最具赚钱潜力的行业前十名依序为:儿童文教、健康医疗、成人补教、健康食品、
MORE than a decade ago, for a peasant to get the chance to visit, work or even live in Beijing was almost equal to a dream for most rural people. However, with
PAPER ONE (75 minutes) Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (Omitted) Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this pa