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我时常爱写一些零零散散的文字,却未曾为家人写过什么。这次寒假在家,休闲之余看了《傅雷家书》,回顾自己的成长历程,我也想说说家人对我潜移默化的熏陶。一粒麦子一颗心奶奶年轻时就信奉基督教,每个星期天,都会去一个村子里的聚集点过礼拜,雷打不动。久而久之,四邻八舍的闲言碎语让家里忙忙碌碌的婶婶、大妈有了怨言:晴天白日的不干 I often love to write some scattered words, but have not written anything for the family. This winter vacation at home, leisure time read “Fu Lei family book”, review their growth course, I also want to talk about the family nurtured by my subtle influence. A heart of wheat, a heart of milk, Christianity, a young man, every Sunday, will go to a gathering place in a village to worship, unshakeable. Over time, neighbors gossip let busy aunt at home, aunt complained: the sunny days do not do
中国香甜可口的时鲜水果在外国人嘴里总是别有一番滋味。美国女孩 DaltonDorne 自然也不例外。让我们一起来分享她的体验吧。 China’s sweet and delicious seasonal fruit
When we survey all known human societies , we find everywhere some form of the family, some set of permanent arrangements by which males assist females in cari
SULTRY weather and the swaying of the train made Edouard Tourville’s head droop. His wife,Marie-Anne, dozed beside him. The tiny, gentle-voiced woman had seld
2006年被人们预测为创业的项目年。2006年做哪些创业项目会更有“钱途”呢? 2005年末有统计显示,最具赚钱潜力的行业前十名依序为:儿童文教、健康医疗、成人补教、健康食品、
MORE than a decade ago, for a peasant to get the chance to visit, work or even live in Beijing was almost equal to a dream for most rural people. However, with
PAPER ONE (75 minutes) Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (Omitted) Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this pa