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审查和批准财政预算是宪法赋予各级人大的一项重要职权。如何充分发挥人大的监督职能,使人大对预算审查监督由程序性监督向实质性监督转变,是近年来各级人大不断探讨的重要课题。8月30日至31日,省人大财经委员会在麻城市组织召开了全省人大预算审查监督工作研讨会。会议主要就人大预算审查监督工作中存在的问题及如何改进和加强预算审查监督工作进行了研讨。各市、州、直管市及部分县(市)人大负责财经工作的副主任及人大财经工作的同志参加了会议。 Examining and approving the budget is an important power given to people’s congresses at all levels by the Constitution. How to give full play to the supervisory function of the NPC and make the NPC change the supervision and inspection of the budget from procedural oversight to substantive oversight is an important issue that people’s congresses at all levels continue to explore in recent years. From August 30 to August 31, the NPC Financial and Economic Committee held a seminar on budget review and supervision of the NPC in Macheng City. The conference mainly discussed the problems existing in the NPC budget review and supervision and how to improve and strengthen the budget review and supervision. All cities, prefectures and cities directly under the central government and some county (city) people’s congresses and deputy directors in charge of financial work and the NPC financial and economic work comrades attended the meeting.
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不久前,我们对某机械制造厂纳税情况进行了一次检查。从账面尚未发现企业财务管理违反税收法律、法规的行为。 接着,我们深入观看了该厂的生产流程。当进入第二车间时,我们
血管生长素 (ANG)属于RNase超家族 ,是唯一具有核糖核酸酶活性的血管生成因子。它可通过促进基膜的降解 ,促进内皮细胞增殖、迁移、粘附等作用来促进血管生成。ANG在多种肿瘤
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.