Lattice structure adaptive IIR notch filter based on least square kurtosis

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gjsh
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A new variable step-size algorithm for a second-order lattice form structure adaptive infinite impulse response (IIR) notch filter to detection and estimation frequency of sinusoids in Gaussian noises is proposed. Utilizing least square kurtosis of output signals as a cost function, the new gradient-based algorithm to update frequency of the adaptive IIR notch filter and the new variable step-size algorithm are given. The computer simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has better ability in suppressing colored Gaussian noises and better accuracy in estimating parameters at low SNR than previous algorithms. A new variable step-size algorithm for a second-order lattice form structure adaptive infinite impulse response (IIR) notch filter to detection and estimation frequency of sinusoids in Gaussian noises is proposed. Utilizing least square kurtosis of output signals as a cost function, the new gradient-based algorithm to update frequency of the adaptive IIR notch filter and the new variable step-size algorithm are given. The computer simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has better ability in suppressing colored Gaussian noises and better accuracy in estimating parameters at low SNR than previous algorithms.
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