In vitro antimicrobial effects of grape seed extract on peri-implantitis microflora in craniofacial

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wokaoyouyaozhuce
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Objective:To determine the antimicrobial effects of grape seed on peri-implantitis microflora.Methods:The grape seed extract was tested against peri-implantitis microflora most commonly found in craniofacial implants including reference strains of Staphylococcus aureus(S.aureus),Escherichia coli(E.coli),Candida albicans(C.albicans)and clinical strains of S.aureus,Klebsiella pneumonia(K.pneumonia)and Candida parapsilosis(C.parapsilosis)by disk diffusion test.Minimum inhibitory concentrations(MIC)and minimum cidal concentrations(MCC)were determined using modified agar dilution millpore method.The extract was further combined with polyethylene glycol and propylene glycol,and was tested for antimicrobial effects.Results:Grape seed extract showed positive inhibitory effects with S.aureus at MIC of 0.625 mg/mL and MCC of1.25 mg/mL respectively.However the extracts showed minimal or no reactivity against strains of E.coli,K.pneumonia,C.parapsilosis and C.albicans.The use of grape seed extract in combination with polyethylene glycol and propylene glycol also showed dose dependent inhibitory effect on S.aureus.Conclusions:The results of the study showed that grape seed has potential antimicrobial effects which can be further studied and developed to be used in the treatment of infected skinabutment interface of craniofacial implants. Objective: To determine the antimicrobial effects of grape seed on peri-implantitis microflora. Methods: The grape seed extract was tested against peri-implantitis microflora most commonly found in craniofacial implants including reference strains of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), Escherichia coli E.coli), Candida albicans (C.albicans) and clinical strains of S. aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia (K.pneumonia) and Candida parapsilosis (C.parapsilosis) by disk diffusion test. Minimal inhibitory concentrations (MCC) were determined using modified agar dilution millpore method. Extract was further combined with polyethylene glycol and propylene glycol, and was tested for antimicrobial effects. Results: Grape seed extract showed positive inhibitory effects with S. aureus at MIC of 0.625 mg / mL and MCC of 1.25 mg / mL respectively. Host the showed showed minimal or no reactivity against strains of E. coli, K. pneumonia, C. parapsilosis and C. albicans. The use of grape seed extract in combination with polyethylene glycol and propylene glycol also showed dose dependent inhibitory effect on S. aureus. Conclusions: The results of the study showed that grape seed has potential antimicrobial effects which can be further studied and developed to be used in the treatment of infected skin abutment interface of craniofacial implants.
为继续贯彻中共中央十七届六中全会精神,进一步推动文化大繁荣大发展的局面,促进山东全省的优秀舞台剧创作,《戏剧丛刊》从2012年第1期起,开始面向全国,进行优秀舞台剧本征集活动。  本次征集活动,以2013年将在山东举办的第十届中国艺术节为契机,配合实施省舞台艺术“十百千”计划——全省重点打造10台精品剧目,扶持100台重点剧目,储备1000部优秀剧目,达到为山东省舞台艺术创作工程储备优秀舞台剧本资
例1 男,2岁,锡伯族.胸背部火焰烧伤后收入笔者单位,烧伤面积30%TBSA,均为深Ⅱ度.患儿入院后经抗休克治疗,病情稳定,拟行手术,但被其家属拒绝并自动出院.出院后在家使用偏方及"美宝"湿润烧伤膏(北京光明创疡研究所)治疗,5 d后患儿出现高热,意识不清楚,再次收入笔者单位.查体:体温40.2 ℃,创面污浊呈暗灰色,有大量脓性分泌物,创周红肿.血常规检查:白细胞18.5×109/L. 入院后即行