
来源 :冷战国际史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tjpu0510420215
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在1962年10月和11月的中印边境自卫反击作战中,中国边防部队共俘虏印度军事人员3942名。如何处理这些印军被俘军事人员,中国方面主要是军方和外交部进行了较为精心的准备和安排,制定了严格的计划和政策,责成西藏军区和新疆军区有关部门成立专门机构,认真执行和落实。在释放和遣返印度被俘军事人员的过程中,中国外交部同印度方面进行了多方面的交涉。在这一过程中,中央决策层高度重视,各相关部门通力合作。同时,中国当时正在从三年困难时期中缓慢地恢复,而对印度战俘在衣食住等方面,都予以基本和必要的保障。在移交印度战俘的过程中,中方也充分考虑印方在接运方面的困难,最大程度地满足印度的要求。必须指出的是,中国在实施处理印度战俘的政策过程中,尚存在一些值得商榷的地方,如有关对印度战俘进行“教育”的问题上;在处理同红十字会国际委员会,特别是同印度红十字会的关系上,中方政策不够灵活;以及有关组织27名印度军官到中国内地参观的问题。本文主要依据中国外交部档案馆解密档案,对中国政策的制定、实施及其影响,进行较为系统地研究。更为重要的是,本文依据相关文献,对印度在中国处理战俘的若干问题上的有关指责,进行符合历史事实的论证,澄清印度方面对有关重大问题的不实之词。 In self-defense counterattacks on the Sino-Indian border in October and November 1962, the Chinese border forces captured a total of 3,942 Indian military personnel. How to deal with these captured Indian military personnel, the Chinese side mainly the military and the Foreign Ministry conducted a more elaborate preparation and arrangements, formulated strict plans and policies, instructed the Tibet Military Region and the Xinjiang Military Area Command to set up specialized agencies, conscientiously implement And implemented. During the release and repatriation of captured prisoners of war in India, the Chinese foreign ministry conducted various representations with India. In this process, the central decision-making level attaches great importance to the cooperation of all relevant departments. At the same time, China was slowly recovering from a difficult three-year period, while giving basic and necessary guarantees to the Indian prisoners of war in their basic necessities of life. In the process of handing over Indian prisoners of war, the Chinese side also fully considered the Indian side’s difficulties in handling the shipments and made the most of India’s demands. It must be pointed out that there are still some debatable issues in the process of implementing the policy of handling Indian prisoners of war in China, such as the issue of “education” for Indian prisoners of war. In dealing with the International Committee of the Red Cross China’s policy with the Red Cross Society of India is not flexible enough; and the question of organizing 27 Indian officers to visit the Mainland of China. Based on the files decrypted by the archives of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this paper conducts a systematic study of the formulation, implementation and impact of China’s policies. More importantly, based on the relevant literature, this article analyzes the accusations of India on several issues concerning the handling of prisoners of war in China, justifies the historical facts and clarifies the untrue statements made by India on major issues.