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苹果腐烂病是苹果树的一种严重的病害,病重的果树干上病疤累累,枝干残缺不全,甚至整株枯死,有人称之为毁灭性病害.解放后辽宁省苹果产区,曾由于冻害造成树势衰弱而有过四次大流行,损失严重.黄河故道地区地境偏南,雨水较多.生长季节长,加之幼、中龄树多,长势旺,愈伤能力强,没有形成过大流行,所以,有人认为在故道地区该病不能形成危害.苹果腐烂病病原菌在较老果园中普遍存在,由伤口侵入枝干,具有潜伏侵染现象.据调查,河南省仪封、人和园艺场,黄泛区农场和江苏等地果园均有发生,说明该病菌在黄河故道地区能够引起侵染和发病.影响苹果腐烂病发病的因素很多,如严重的大小年,冻害引起树势衰弱,土壤水分不足,枝条失水.愈伤组织形成慢,施肥不适当,缺少磷、钾肥等均能为其发生与流行创造适宜条件.而在果树正 Apple rot disease is a serious disease of apple trees, sick tree trunk disease scarring, incomplete branches, and even the whole plant dead, some people call it a devastating disease.After the liberation of the apple producing areas in Liaoning Province, had There were four major pandemic losses caused by frost damage, and the loss was serious in the Yellow River, where the ground is relatively southward with heavy rainfall, and the growing season is long, with more young and middle-aged trees, growing prosperous and more callus, without The formation of a pandemic, so some people think that the disease can not form a hazard in the old path.Apple rot pathogens widespread in older orchards, invasion from the wound stems, with latent infection.According to the survey, Henan Province, People and horticultural fields, the Yellow River area farms and orchards in Jiangsu and other places have occurred, indicating that the bacteria in the Yellow River in the area can cause infection and incidence of diseases affecting apple rot disease many factors, such as the serious size of the year, frost damage caused by the tree Potential weakness, insufficient soil moisture, water loss of branches, slow formation of callus, improper fertilization, lack of phosphorus, potash, etc. can create appropriate conditions for its occurrence and prevalence.
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生物防治的研究是我们对於棉花苗期病害及烂铃研究的一部分。兹将一年余的结果,简报如下: (一) 在选拔颉颃菌种方面,我们从东北、西北、华东、西南及华中等地区,搜集了禾本
Younger generations in China and Russia need to learn more about each other Few in China’s younger generations know more Russian than the names of the charisma
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目的 研究珠海市疾病监测点心脑血管疾病发展趋势及相关因素的影响 ,方法 根据珠海市三个居委会 1991年普查中现年 >40人群中患高血压缩、冠心病、胸血管疾病状况及与血清
襄北古驿岗地区的主要小麦地下害虫,有蛴螬和沟金针虫两种。这两种虫子的发生比率,蛴螬占62 5%,沟金针虫占37.5%。该地区往年由于播种较迟,冬季的为害期较短,且仅个别地块有