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目的了解高唐县中小学生视力低下现状,为保护中小学生视力提供科学理论依据。方法对全县2010年9月体检的中小学生健康体检资料进行汇总性统计分析。结果初中及小学学生视力低下率为31.6%,以中重度为主,占78.2%。随着年龄和年级的增加,轻度视力低下所占比例逐渐下降,中重度视力低下所占比例逐渐增加,女生高于男生(χ2=640.26,P<0.01),城区高于乡镇(χ2=979.18,P<0.01)。结论高唐县初中及小学视力低下率较为严重,应采取综合措施控制其发展速度。 Objective To understand the current situation of poor eyesight in primary and secondary school students in Gaotang County and to provide a scientific basis for protecting primary and secondary school students’ eyesight. Methods The data of health examination of primary and secondary school students in September 2010 in the county were collected and analyzed statistically. Results The prevalence of poor eyesight in junior high school and primary school students was 31.6%, mainly in moderate to severe cases, accounting for 78.2%. With the increase of age and grade, the proportion of mild vision loss gradually decreased, the proportion of moderate and severe vision loss gradually increased, girls were higher than boys (χ2 = 640.26, P <0.01), urban areas were higher than townships (χ2 = 979.18 , P <0.01). Conclusion Gaotang County junior high school and primary school vision loss rate is more serious, should take comprehensive measures to control the speed of its development.
雀儿姐姐:你好!首先祝你新年快乐!跟你说一件过年时让我感到很烦恼(fan nao)的事吧。每年春节,我都是和爸爸、妈妈坐很长时间的车回到老家,和爷爷、奶奶一起过团圆年。虽然在
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大唐天宝三年,在朝中担任秘书监的大诗人贺知章已经八十六岁了。年纪越大,他也越来越思念故乡萧山,就向唐玄宗辞职,说想回家修道,以终天年。  唐玄宗虽然不舍得多年的老臣贺知章,可也知道他的年纪实在是太大了,就下旨批准了。皇上还特别颁旨,让萧山地方官出钱把贺知章的故宅改建成千秋观,以便让他安心修道。  贺知章回到萧山老家,随行的只有儿子贺孚。踏上故土的贺知章分外激动,听着熟悉的乡音更是百感交集。因为街道
1 总则1.1 为加强对全国各生产力促进中心工作的评估和考核,促进生产力促进中心的发展,特制定本办法.1.2 国家科委负责进行全国各生产力促进中心工作的定量评估和考核.2 评价