
来源 :肿瘤防治研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:intaaaf
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由“中国免疫学会肿瘤免疫与生物治疗分会”和“中国抗癌协会生物治疗专业委员会”联合主办,山东大学药学院免疫药理与免疫治疗研究所和《中国肿瘤生物治疗杂志》联合承办的“第十二届全国肿瘤生物治疗学术会议”定于2011年10月8-10日在山东省济南市召开。诚邀国内各位专家与同行踊跃投稿、参加会议交流。会议期间将邀请国内外著名专家介绍本领域基础及临床研究的新进展。 By the “Chinese Society of Immunology and Tumor Immunology and Biotherapy Branch” and “Chinese Association of Antibiotics Biotherapy Committee,” jointly organized by the Institute of Pharmacology, Immunotherapy and Immunotherapy Institute of Shandong University and the “Chinese Journal of Cancer Biotherapy” Undertaking “The Twelfth National Cancer Biotherapy Conference” is scheduled for October 8-10, 2011 in Jinan City, Shandong Province. Invite domestic experts and colleagues enthusiastic submission, attend the meeting to exchange. During the conference, renowned experts both at home and abroad will be invited to introduce new advances in basic and clinical research in this area.
This paper describes the results observed on 850 male Wistar rats for two years after intraperitoneal injection with ~(131)I, ~(132)I or ~(125)I of different r
The lowest addition of mercury (0.1 ug Hg 1-1) was used in CEEs for research on mercury flux, speciation and budget. The removal behavior of mercury by phytopl
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Two seismic lines each approximately 10km in length were shot over an isolated approximately 250m thick sediment pond on the flanks of the mid-Atlantic Ridge.
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DNA was extracted from NIH 3T3 cells transformed with DNAs from human primary hepatic cancer (PHC) and Hepatoma 7402 cell line. The transformant DNA was analyz