苍穹无限远 移念到眼前——宋鸣《写意山水》画册赏读

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欣赏美术家宋鸣的《写意山水》(人民邮电出版社2015年版)技法画册一书,学习了一点欣赏中国山水画的方法,也对传统中国山水画的表现有了一些肤浅的认识。感受那种将情感移植在山水之中的激动,想象那种挥情洒意作画的惬意——大地是山水的画,山水的诗,山水的心!山之形似骨 Appreciating the artist’s Song Ming’s “Freehand Landscape” (People’s Posts and Telecommunications Press, 2015 edition) book of techniques, learning a little appreciation of Chinese landscape painting methods, but also on the performance of traditional Chinese landscape painting has some superficial understanding. Feel the excitement of transplanting emotions in the landscape, imagine the kind of ambience and ease of painting - the earth is the landscape painting, landscape poetry, landscape heart!
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