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本文通过对贸易保护主义的进一步理解,从各种数据的对比分析中找到金融危机以来,各国采取贸易保护政策的变化特点,以期可以为目前各国的贸易保护主义找到一个折中点,为世界各国之间自由贸易的恢复,更好的使世界经济复苏起到一定的借鉴作用。 Based on the further understanding of trade protectionism and the finding of the financial crisis from the comparative analysis of all kinds of data, the characteristics of trade protection policies adopted by various countries in the hope of finding a compromise point for trade protectionism in various countries at present, Between the free trade recovery, better make the world economic recovery play a certain role in the reference.
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