NO.5 环保塑料 环境保护与软包装开发的“双赢之举”

来源 :中国包装工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mhouwen
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随着塑料原料及加工工艺的发展,塑料已在包装领域中占据了重要地位,各类塑料包装俨然已经坐上了塑料制品的“头把交椅”。而塑料软包装更是伴随着科学技术的日新月异和人们对生活质量要求的逐步提高而变成塑料包装中的佼佼者。高性能、多功能性塑料软包装材料正成为热点开发的包装材料。同时,受到环境保护浪潮的冲击,消费者对商品包装提出了越来越高的要求,绿色包装是国际环保趋势的需要。据相关资料显示,2008年东南亚食品行业塑料软包装市场已达14.14亿美元的规模,预计到2015年将增长到20.23亿美元,年均增长率为6.7%,增长速度尤为惊人。 With the development of plastic raw materials and processing technology, plastic has occupied an important position in the field of packaging, all kinds of plastic packaging seems to have got the plastic products “top spot ”. The plastic flexible packaging is accompanied by the ever-changing science and technology and people’s quality of life gradually improve and become the leader in plastic packaging. High-performance, multi-functional plastic flexible packaging materials are becoming hot development of packaging materials. At the same time, by the impact of the tide of environmental protection, consumers have put forward higher and higher requirements on the packaging of goods. The green packaging is the need of the international environmental protection trend. According to the relevant information, the market for plastic flexible packaging in Southeast Asia’s food industry in 2008 reached 1.414 billion U.S. dollars and is expected to grow to 2.023 billion U.S. dollars by 2015, an average annual growth rate of 6.7%. The growth rate is particularly alarming.
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