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四十五年前,由于美国等国的公然干预,朝鲜战争全面爆发。1950年6月28日,毛泽东主席在中央人民政府委员会第八次会议上发表讲话:中国人民早已声明,全世界各国的事务应由各国人民自己来管。号召全国和世界人民团结起来,打败美帝国主义的任何挑衅。同日,周恩来外长代表中国政府发表声明,强烈谴责美国政府侵略朝鲜、台湾及干涉亚洲事务的罪行。9月10日,周恩来在全国政协举行的建国一周年庆祝大会上,向全世界庄严宣告:中国人民热爱和平,但是为了保卫和平,从不也永不害怕反抗侵略战争。警告美国政府,中国人民对美国侵略决不能置之不理。10月上旬,中共中央根据朝鲜劳动党和政府的请求以及中国安全的需要,作出了派遣志愿军在朝鲜境内进行抗美援朝保家卫国的战略决策,并任命彭德怀为中国人民志愿军司令兼政治委员。 Forty-five years ago, due to the open intervention by the United States and other countries, the Korean War broke out in full swing. On June 28, 1950, Chairman Mao Zedong made a speech at the 8th meeting of the Central People’s Government Committee: The Chinese people have long proclaimed that the affairs of all countries in the world should be managed by the people of all countries themselves. We call upon the entire nation and the people of the world to unite and defeat any provocation by the U.S. imperialism. On the same day, Foreign Minister Chou En-lai made a statement on behalf of the Chinese government and strongly condemned the U.S. government for committing crimes of aggression against North Korea, Taiwan and interference in Asian affairs. On September 10, at the celebration of the first anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China held by the CPPCC National Committee, Zhou Enlai solemnly proclaimed to the world that the Chinese people love peace. However, in order to defend the peace, they have never been afraid of invading a war of aggression. Warned the U.S. government and Chinese people that they must not ignore the U.S. aggression. In early October, the CPC Central Committee made the strategic decision of dispatching volunteers to carry out the policy of safeguarding the nation and safeguarding the nation and the nation in North Korea based on the request of the Workers’ Party and the government of North Korea and the need for China’s security. Peng Dehuai was appointed commander and political commissar of the Chinese People’s Volunteers Army.
那年初冬黄昏,我独自走进了一个大山谷,身上单衣薄裳,脚上的鞋在碎石山路上踩破了鞋底。  我坐在一块石头上,俯视四周枯叶凋零,一些零星的绿叶很暗很淡,在冷冷清清的溪水畔那么孤单寂寞……眼看黑幕就要降临了,峡谷中的风冷飕飕地吹凉我的骨头。我在山野快步走了起来,周身逐渐变暖了,我必须翻过这个大山谷去另一个村庄夜宿,在这段约有二十公里的山路上,没有一户人家,我必须独自一人走过去。  月亮悄悄爬了上来,照亮