道县财政局 适应新常态 迈上新征程

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道县财政局是主管全县财政收支、财税政策、国有资产的县人民政府工作部门。内设12个职能股室,12个直属事业单位,下辖22个乡镇(场)、街道办事处财政所。财政局机关现有干部职工97人,其中本科以上24人,大专58人;具有注册会计师资格的3人,具有会计师职称的22人,具有助理会计师职称的18人。“十二五”时期,在县委、县政府的正确领导下,在县人大、县政协的监督支持下,积极应对国际金融危机、国家宏观调控政策及经济下行对区域经济的影响,道县财政克服种种困难,围绕财政工作目标,充分发挥财政职能,在实施积极财政政策、调整经 County Finance Bureau is in charge of the county fiscal revenues and expenditures, fiscal policies, state-owned assets of the county government departments. There are 12 function rooms and 12 subordinate public institutions. There are 22 towns (markets) under the jurisdiction and financial offices of subdistrict offices. There are 97 cadres and workers in the Finance Bureau, of whom 24 are bachelor degree or above, 58 are college graduates, 3 are qualified as certified public accountants, 22 have professional titles of accountants, and 18 have titles of assistant accountants. Under the correct leadership of the county party committee and county government and the supervisory support of county people’s congresses and county CPPCC committees, the government actively responded to the international financial crisis, the state’s macro-control policies and the impact of the economic downturn on the regional economy. County finance to overcome the difficulties, focus on financial objectives, give full play to the financial functions, in the implementation of a proactive fiscal policy, adjusting the economy
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