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对镇江市防汛机动抢险队自有设备VOLVOEC210BLC型挖掘机进行改造,通过在挖掘机小臂前端增设高频植桩设备,使挖掘机和植桩头结合成一整体,借助挖掘机的液压动力使桩头产生振动冲击,同时适当延长挖掘机作业臂,增大作业半径,较大程度地满足打拔不同类 The Zhenjiang City flood control mobile rescue team VOLVOEC210BLC excavator its own equipment to transform the excavator through the front arm to increase the high-frequency planting equipment, so that the excavator and planting pile head integrated into a whole, with the excavator hydraulic power pile head to produce Vibration impact, while the appropriate extension of the excavator arm, increasing the operating radius, to a greater extent to meet the different types of unplug
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Background: Previously reported pathological series suggest that cardiac malformations are universal in trisomy 18. We examined our experience of fetal echocard
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Background: Maternal placental syndromes, including the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and abruption or infarction of the placenta, probably originate from