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为研究废旧轮胎与土工格室加筋路堤边坡的性能,分别对废旧轮胎、土工格室加筋路堤边坡开展了室内模型试验,并考虑了填料两种不同相对密度的影响。试验结果表明:相对素土路堤而言,废旧轮胎和土工格室加筋路堤均能有效地提高承载力,增强其稳定性,减小不均匀沉降。加筋后均有效地增大了附加应力的扩散角,使得附加应力分布更为均匀,并且素土路堤与加筋路堤中轴线上附加应力差值随路堤深度增大而减小。中轴线以外的质点侧向位移随路堤深度的增加,呈现出先增大后减小的趋势,几种路堤中,废旧轮胎加筋路堤侧向位移最小。加筋效果随相对密度增大而减小,在低相对密度条件下,加筋后承载力能达到素土路堤2倍以上,而在高相对密度下却不足2倍。最后根据土工格室加筋地基承载力计算方法及对废旧轮胎加筋机理分析,提出了关于废旧轮胎加筋地基承载力计算方法。 In order to study the performance of embankment slope reinforced with waste tire and geocell, indoor model tests were carried out on the waste tire and geocell-reinforced embankment slope respectively, and the effects of two different relative densities of packing were considered. The test results show that, compared with the plain soil embankment, both the waste tire and the geocell-reinforced embankment can effectively increase the bearing capacity, enhance the stability and reduce the uneven settlement. After reinforcement, the spreading angle of additional stress is effectively increased, so that the additional stress distribution is more uniform, and the difference of additional stress on the central axis between plain and reinforced embankment decreases with the increase of embankment depth. Lateral displacements of mass points outside the central axis increase with the increase of embankment depth and then decrease. In several embankments, the lateral displacement of waste tire-reinforced embankment is the smallest. The reinforcement effect decreases with the increase of relative density. Under the conditions of low relative density, the bearing capacity of reinforced soil can reach more than 2 times of that of plain soil embankment and less than 2 times of that of high relative density. Finally, according to the geocell reinforced calculation method of the bearing capacity of foundation and the analysis of the reinforcement mechanism of the waste tire, the calculation method of the bearing capacity of the waste tire reinforced foundation is proposed.
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