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凡是遇火、受热、撞击、摩擦和氧化剂接触能着火的固体物质,统称为燃烧固体。一、决定固体物质水灾危险性的主要理化性质 1.熔点。绝大部分可燃物质,其燃烧都在蒸气和气体的状态下进行的。因此,熔点低的固体物质容易蒸发和气化,一般燃点较低,燃烧速度快。 2.燃点。燃点越低的物质,越易着火。因为它们在能量较小的热源或由于撞击、摩擦的作用下,能很快受热达到燃点。 3.自燃点。有些固体物质的自燃点比可燃热体或气体的自燃点都要低,一般在180~350℃之间。它们接触热源达到一定的温度,即使没有明火作用也能自燃。自燃点低的物质,危险性就大一些。许多可燃固 All solid materials that can catch fire when exposed to fire, heat, impact, friction, and oxidants are collectively referred to as burning solids. First, determine the main physical and chemical nature of the hazard of solid material flood 1. Melting point. Most of the flammable substances are burned under the condition of vapor and gas. Therefore, the solid material with a low melting point is easy to evaporate and gasify. Generally, the ignition point is lower and the burning rate is faster. 2. Burning point. The lower the ignition point, the easier it is to catch fire. Because they can be quickly heated to reach the ignition point under the effect of a smaller heat source or due to impact and friction. 3. Spontaneous ignition point. Some of the solids have a lower autoignition point than the combustible body or gas, and are generally between 180 and 350°C. They reach a certain temperature in contact with the heat source and can spontaneously ignite even without an open flame. The material with a low ignition point is more dangerous. Many flammable
一等奖 l、高产优质玉米新品种龙单13(黑301)的选育。省农补院玉来中心 2、国产200MW汽轮机组增容改造技术。哈汽轮机有限公司 3、大庆热电厂20oMW火电机组全范围培训型仿真
碧空清澄。青山隐隐,蔚蓝色的雾霭迷蒙。  夏日酷熱,慵倦的大地恬然地吮吸着青草和树木成熟气息,好像闻着从俄式烤炉里刚刚取出的奶油鸡蛋大面包的香气一样。  不过,夜里空气清新爽朗,玉露铺满大地,夜空的群星更大更亮。  这是仲夏已过的时节。  ——摘自广西师范大学出版社《树号》
鱼儿爱江河,蜜蜂爱鲜花,小鸟爱蓝天, Fish love rivers, bees love flowers, birds love blue sky,
据《侨报》报道,美国科学家预测未来50年的重要科技成就如下: 1999年,男性口服避孕药和避孕针剂普及。 2000年,基因疗法与免疫疗法结合,治癌新药方问世。 2001年,宽度达1米
“应变”是一门艺术,也是一门学问。作为教师应该具有峰回路转、摆脱困境直至柳暗花明的应变能力。下面结合课堂教学实际列举几种课堂应变的方法,供一线的教师参考。 “Stra