Study on the Simultaneous Extraction of Total Flavonoids and Total Saponins from Corn Silks by Micro

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pngegeok
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[Objective]To select the optimal technology for the simultaneous extraction of total saponins and total flavonoids from corn silks by microwave-assisted extraction.[Methods]Microwave-assisted extraction was adopted.Based on single factor test and orthogonal test,effects of extraction time,solid-liquid ratio and microwave power on the extraction rates of total saponins and total flavonoids from corn silks were researched.[Results]The simultaneous extraction technology of total flavonoids and total saponins from corn silks by microwave-assisted extraction was as follows:1∶40 solid-liquid ratio(W/V),420 W microwave power,6 min extraction time and 60%ethanol as solvent.Under this condition,extraction rates of total saponins and total flavonoids both reached 1.51%.[Conclusions]Compared with the reflux extraction and ultrasonic extraction,microwave-assisted extraction was more rapid and convenient,and the extraction rate was far higher than the two methods.
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