Study on the defect-related emissions in the light self-ion-implanted Si films by a silicon-on-insul

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangying428
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This paper reports that the Si + self-ion-implantation are conducted on the silicon-on-insulator wafers with the 28 Si + doses of 7×10 12,1×10 13,4×10 13,and 3×10 14 cm 2,respectively.After the suitable annealing,these samples are characterized by using the photoluminescence technique at different recorded temperatures.Plentiful emission peaks are observed in these implanted silicon-on-insulator samples,including the unwonted intense P band which exhibits a great potential in the optoelectronic application.These results indicate that severe transformation of the interstitial clusters can be manipulated by the implanting dose at suitable annealing temperatures.The high critical temperatures for the photoluminescence intensity growth of the two signatures are well discussed based on the thermal ionization model of free exciton. This paper reports that the Si + self-ion-implantation are conducted on the silicon-on-insulator wafers with the 28 Si + doses of 7 × 10 12, 1 × 10 13, 4 × 10 13, and 3 × 10 14 cm 2, respectively. After the appropriate annealing, these samples are characterized by using the photoluminescence technique at different recording temperatures. Purely emission peaks are observed in these implanted silicon-on-insulator samples, including the unwonted intense P band which exhibits a great potential in the optoelectronic application. the results of which that severe transformation of the interstitial clusters can be manipulated by the implanting dose at suitable emergency temperatures. the high critical temperatures for the photoluminescence intensity growth of the two signatures are well discussed based on the thermal ionization model of free exciton.
用超声分解法制备了Fe-Cr合金纳米微粒,检查了粉末的结构、形态并测量了不同温度处理后的磁性。 The Fe-Cr alloy nanoparticles were prepared by sonication method. The struct
本刊讯 6月25日,接力出版社在国家图书馆艺术中心举办了“中国梦之歌校园朗诵诗” 诗歌朗诵会暨“百社千校书香童年”校园诗歌朗诵大赛启动仪式。  接力出版社社长黄俭表示,活动旨在在全国中小学校园中营造浓厚的诗歌朗诵氛围,传承民族文化和诗歌精粹,构建校园书香文化。通过“中国梦”主题诗歌诵读,在少年们的心田里播种梦想、点燃梦想,帮助少年儿童树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,鼓励少年儿童接过时代的接力棒,
David Hill是设计与品牌领域公认的高级主管,在突破性思维和业务成绩方面有着辉煌的履历。如今作为联想集团企业形象与设计副总裁,David领导着一支由战略家、人类行为学工程师、图形和工业设计师组成的国际团队,塑造了公司的品牌形象并提供了出色的用户体验。  他在IBM工作的近20年中,其中一个重要的职责就是设计IBM所有个人电脑系列产品,让这些新的个人电脑外观更强大,尤其是黑色的经典颜色看起来更
【摘要】社会经济的发展促使房屋建筑行业的不断进步,人们生活水平不断提高的同时对房屋建筑的质量也提出了更高的要求,尤其是房屋建筑施工过程中的一些关键问题更要加强重视。本文将对房屋建筑施工中的关键问题进行研究,并在此基础上提出一些有效的应对策略,以供参考。  【关键词】房屋建筑;施工管理;关键问题;研究  【中图分类号】X503.5 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672—5158(2012)08—0