
来源 :黑龙江教育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tekken1981
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In the paper, we apply the theory of modern digital signal processing to analysis 3-component digital seismic data recorded in Datong area of Shanxi Province by digital seismographs developed by the I
The complexity of seismicity and the relation of magnitude and frequency are discussed in this paper on the basis of nonlinear dynamics and multifractal theory. We argue that seismic active systems no
Based on the coordinates, velocities and their error estimations of 595 GPS, SLR and VLBI stations issued by IERS in March 2001, the current asymmetrical deformation of the Earth is studied. The resul
百年之前,孙中山先生有个中国梦.今天我们正在实现这个梦想,而且远超中山先生的梦想. 以前,中国比较落后,中国人“嘴短、手短、腿短”.一穷二白的中国只能用自己的血肉之躯努
一、跨流域调水的必要性  地球上的水,尽管数量巨大,能直接被人们生产和生活利用的却很少。首先,海水又咸又苦,不能饮用,不能浇地,也难以用于工业。其次,地球的淡水资源仅占其总水量的2.5%,而在这极少的淡水资源中,有70%以上被冻结在南极和北极的冰盖中,加上难以利用的高山冰川和永冻积雪,有87%的淡水资源难以利用。人类真正能够利用的淡水资源是江河湖泊和地下水中的一部分,约占地球总水量的0.26%。全
The seismic design criterion adopted in the existing seismic design codes is reviewed. It is pointed out that the presently used seismic design criterion is not satisfied with the requirements of nowa
A lot of slow fluctuations of water level have been observed in the original recording maps of subsurface fluid in Well Shuozhou, Shanxi Province. Some typical recording maps of the "precursors" are i