
来源 :湖南医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:famzhang
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本文分析348例孕满28周以上重度妊高征病例,其中双胎18例,围生儿366例,死亡25例。校正死亡率为57.37‰,对照组为7.69‰。按分类统计:子痫为86.95‰、先兆子痫56.25‰、中度妊高征35.09‰。死因中早产儿占52%,IUGR、重度新生儿窒息发生率均明显高于对照组。妊高征组围生儿死亡率显著高于对照组,并随病情加重死亡率上升,还与孕母贫血程度、血浆蛋白低血症、尿酸升高等因素有关。为此,必须积极防治妊高征及减少早产儿的发生。 In this paper, 348 cases of severe pregnancy-induced hypertension pregnancy over 28 weeks cases, including 18 cases of twins, 366 cases of perinatal and 25 cases of death. The corrected mortality rate was 57.37 ‰ and that of the control group was 7.69 ‰. According to classification statistics: eclampsia was 86.95 ‰, preeclampsia 56.25 ‰, moderate pregnancy-induced hypertension 35.09 ‰. The cause of death in preterm children accounted for 52%, IUGR, severe neonatal asphyxia were significantly higher incidence of the control group. PIH group of perinatal mortality was significantly higher than the control group, and with the increase of the mortality rate, but also with the degree of anemia, plasma proteinuria, elevated uric acid and other factors. To this end, we must actively prevent pregnancy-induced hypertension and reduce the incidence of premature children.
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