Modification of Fluorgypsum as Cement Retarder

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kangzeng
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The chemical composition and mineral structure of fluorgypsurn as well as its harm to application in cement were elaborately analyzed.The primary fluorgypsum was modified and its applications in cement's production were studied.The technological flow chart of preparing modified fluorgypsum was given. Experimental results indicate that hydration ratio the modified fluorgypsum through adding compound additive for 14d is about 70%.The modified fluorgypsum as cement retarder has certain stimulation to fly ash and increases the strength of compound cement.In addition,its adding amount is lower than that of natural gypsum The modified fluorgypsum is a good substitute for natural gypsum. The chemical composition and mineral structure of fluorgypsurn as well as its harm to application in cement were elaborately analyzed. The primary fluorgypsum was modified and its applications in cement's production were studied. The technological flow chart of preparing modified fluorgypsum was given. Experimental results indicate that that hydration ratio the modified fluorgypsum through adding compound additive for 14d is about 70%. modified fluorgypsum as cement retarder has certain stimulation to fly ash and increases the strength of compound cement. addition, its adding amount is lower than that of natural gypsum The modified fluorgypsum is a good substitute for natural gypsum.
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