
来源 :无损检测 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feiyelsh
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经中国机械工程学会无损检测分会委员会全体会议讨论决定,于1999年10月19~23日在广东省汕头市举办中国机械工程学会无损检测分会成立20周年纪念活动和第七届全国无损检测学术会议、展览会及国际无损检测技术交流研讨会。会议由中国机械工程学会无损检测分会主办,汕头超声仪器研究所承办,上海材料研究所协办。 欢迎我国广大无损检测新老专家、科技工作者、无损检测人员及各国、各地区无损检测同行参加会议、展览会,交流成果,讨论无损检测的应用现状和发展趋势,推动我国无损检测事业的发展和技术进步,促进与世界各国、各地区无损检测同行间的相互了解、相互合作和友谊。 递交会议的论文必须从未对外公开发表过,并有较高质量,能反映近年来无损检测技术在理论和应用方面的进展,包括: The Chinese Society for Mechanical Engineering nondestructive testing branch of the plenary session of the discussion and discussion, held in October 19, 1999 in Shantou, Guangdong Province, China Mechanical Engineering Society nondestructive testing branch to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Seventh National Nondestructive Testing Conference , Exhibitions and international non-destructive testing technology exchange seminars. The conference was hosted by the Nondestructive Testing Branch of China Mechanical Engineering Society, undertaken by Shantou Institute of Ultrasonic Instruments and co-organized by Shanghai Institute of Materials. Welcome new and old non-destructive testing experts, scientists and technologists, non-destructive testing personnel and non-destructive testing of all countries and regions to participate in meetings, exhibitions, exchange of achievements, discuss the application status and development trend of non-destructive testing to promote the development of non-destructive testing in China And technological progress to promote mutual understanding, mutual cooperation and friendship with non-destructive testing partners in all countries and regions in the world. Papers submitted to the conference must never have been published publicly and have high quality and can reflect the theoretical and application progress of NDT technology in recent years. These include:
今年的正月十五,我们全家欢欢喜喜地围在一起吃团圆饭。吃着吃着,小姨夫说:“如果有瓶花雕酒,一定比啤酒更来劲。”爸爸听了,急忙掏出钱让我去买。我买了酒,便急忙往 On the
小朋友,有没有试过在山谷、山洞或家里的卫生间里玩声音回响的游戏?其实唱卡拉OK也是一个十分好玩的声音回响游戏,它使你的声音 Kids, have you ever tried a game of sound
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非智力因素是指与人的先天遗传资质无关的、来自外界的、一些可控制的因素.“兴趣是最好的老师”.如何利用非智力因素的积极因素,充分调动学生的学习兴趣,从而促使数学学习的成效有大幅度的提高呢?这就需要我们进行一些积极有益的探索.就本人的实践与体会分以下几个方面来探讨.    一、当前学生对高中数学学习的认识    一方面,从高一学生的认识观念来看.有些高一的同学觉得自己刚刚初中毕业,离下次毕业还有3年,