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为提高严重急性呼吸道感染(SARI)的监测系统的敏感性和可操作性。选取湖北省荆州市4家重点监测医院的儿内科和呼吸内科开展现场调查,对住院患者的病历进行回顾,查询符合严重急性呼吸道感染(SARI)和急性呼吸道感染(ARI)病例定义的患者,了解在流感流行季节(12月份)和非流感流行季节(6月份)不同病例定义下的纳入的病例数,以及每周的入院病人的分布情况。病例定义可由SARI修改为ARI;从住院病例中随机抽取约1/4(22.4%)的样本量进行检测,即可得到与总体一致的阳性率;为操作便利,选择每周的周一和周二两天进行呼吸道标本的采样。可采用ARI病例定义对监测地区住院患者开展呼吸道传染病监测,对监测人群可采用随机抽样进行流感病毒的检测,从而提高监测工作的可实施性,并同时降低监测运行成本。 Sensitivity and maneuverability to improve monitoring of SARI. A field survey was conducted in the department of internal medicine and respiratory medicine of four key monitoring hospitals in Jingzhou City of Hubei Province. The medical records of inpatients were reviewed and patients who met the definitions of SARI and ARI were investigated. The number of cases included in the definition of different cases in the flu season (December) and non-flu season (June), and the weekly distribution of patients admitted. The definition of the cases can be changed from SARI to ARI; from hospitalized cases, about a quarter (22.4%) samples were randomly selected for testing to get the same positive overall rate; for the convenience of operation, weekly and monday of the week Day for the sampling of respiratory specimens. The ARI case definition may be used to monitor respiratory infectious diseases in hospitalized patients in the monitoring area, and random sampling may be used to monitor the influenza virus in the monitoring population, so as to improve the implementation of the monitoring work and at the same time reduce the monitoring running cost.
随着剖宫产率的逐年增高 ,瘢痕子宫妊娠也随时之增多。剖宫产后阴道分娩虽已被证实安全、可行 ,但瘢痕子宫破裂仍是威胁母婴安全的严重并发症。产程中的先兆子宫破裂较容易被
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我院自1996年1月至1998年10月共收治急性有机磷中毒(下称AOIP)169例,出现急性呼吸衰竭(下称呼衰)29例,占17.16%。现对29例呼衰的抢救进行回顾性分析。 1 临床资料 1.1 病例选
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残角子宫妊娠发病率低 ,临床少见 ,极易误诊 ,但中晚期残角子宫妊娠一旦破裂可致严重失血性休克 ,危及患者生命。1996年 12月~ 2 0 0 1年 4月 ,我院收治 4例 ,报告如下。1 病
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