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技术和服务创新向来不是大企业的专利。过去100年里,95%的创新产品和服务是由20人以内的小企业创造出来的。也可以说,历经千锤百炼的中小企业或中小企业老板,肯定理解新技术、新应用的潜在价值。但同时,也更知道不理性的投入可能带来的沉没风险和功亏一篑。所以,“花小钱能不能信息化、有没有投入少但见效快的IT方案、能不能不伤筋动骨就理顺内部管理和生产流程”成了中小企业老板面对信息化时特别需要弄明白的命题。 Technology and service innovation has never been a big business patent. Over the past 100 years, 95% of innovative products and services have been created by small businesses within 20 people. It can also be said that the tempered SMEs or SME owners certainly understand the potential value of new technologies and new applications. But at the same time, it is also better to know the risk of sank and the loss of profit due to irrational investment. Therefore, “Spending money can not information, there is no investment but quick but effective IT program, can not hurt the internal management and production processes to streamline” became the small and medium enterprises in the face of information technology in particular need to get Understand the proposition.
Fe_3O_4 magnetic nanoparticles were prepared by co-precipitation of Fe2+ and Fe3+ in an ammonia solution,and its size was about 36 nm measured by an atomic forc
本文例举了数形结合思想、分类讨论思想、化归类比思想、及渗透符号表述思想在初中数学课堂教学中的运用。 This article illustrates the use of the idea of ​​combinin
The rambutan-like hybrid Au-F127 nanospheres were prepared by a self-assembly method and characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and UV-Vis abso
英特尔Larrabee定义了一个全新概念的处理器,标准化的X86扩展指令集将它与流计算、图形渲染和数据计算功能融为一体,并将深刻影响到图形工业的未来走向。 Intel Larrabee ha