
来源 :广西赤脚医生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cczzss1122334455
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杀虫脒(原名氯苯脒)是一种新型的广谱杀螨、杀虫剂,对昆虫和螨类具有胃毒、触杀和吸入中毒的作用;近年来,还发现它对稻螟有抑制和忌避的作用。它主要应用于果树、蔬菜、棉花、葡萄等作物。目前,国内、区内已大量投入生产并广泛应用于植物保护,为了保护工人和贫下中农健康,兹将杀虫脒的毒性及中毒治疗简介如下: 从动物实验中知道,杀虫脒可以从消化道、皮肤和呼吸道侵入机体,并迅速被吸收,分布于肝、肾、脂肪、肌肉、肺、脾、脑等组织,在体内的杀虫脒可迅速降解为多种代谢产物(如对氯邻甲苯胺等),杀虫脒及其代谢产物能迅速从尿、粪中排出,但以从尿中排出为主。由于杀虫脒在体内迅速代谢和排出,因此,在组织内没有明显的蓄积。按一般毒物毒性分级,杀虫脒对哺乳动物的毒性属于中等毒性。在生产和喷洒时如果防护不周,可以发生中毒。 Chlordimeform (formerly known as chlordjamidine) is a new broad-spectrum acaricide, insecticide, insects and mites with stomach poisoning, contact and inhalation poisoning effect; in recent years, it was also found to inhibit rice stem borer And to avoid the role. It is mainly used in fruit trees, vegetables, cotton, grapes and other crops. At present, China and the region have been heavily put into production and widely used in plant protection, in order to protect the health of workers and poor poor middle peasants, the chlordimeform toxicity and poisoning treatment are as follows: From animal experiments, chlordimeform can digest Road, skin and respiratory tract invade the body and quickly absorbed, distributed in the liver, kidney, fat, muscle, lung, spleen, brain and other tissues, chlordimeform in the body can be rapidly degraded into a variety of metabolites (such as chlorine adjacent Toluidine, etc.), chlordimeform and its metabolites can quickly excreted from the urine, feces, but mainly from the urine. Since chlordimeform rapidly metabolizes and excretes in the body, there is no significant accumulation in the tissue. According to the general toxicological toxicity rating, the toxicity of chlordimeform to mammals is moderately toxic. Poisoning can occur if protection is poor during production and spraying.
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