
来源 :语文教学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wandd_wind
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回顾踏勘一下建国以来中学语文教学理论的发展过程,我估且分为三个时期.建国到文革前,这是第一个阶段.这时期理论界一是着重对待传统教学理论的研究和利用,二是比较系统地接受了苏联的教育思想理论,我们常说的“时代背景——怍者介绍——段落大意——中心思想——写作特点”的模式,就诞生并巩固于那个时期.用历史的眼光来看,这一时期的理论贡献尽管不那么完备或者有一定的缺点,但还是发挥了极大的作用.第二个时期便是文革时期.这时同其它学科一样,中学语文教学理论研究陷入前所未有的的困顿和灾难:这是历史的悲剧酿成的“历史空白点”. Reviewing the survey of the development of Chinese teaching theory since the founding of the PRC, I estimate and divide it into three periods: This is the first stage before the founding of the PRC until the Cultural Revolution, in which the first theoretical circle focused on the study and utilization of traditional teaching theories, Second, we have systematically accepted the Soviet educational theory and we often say that “the background of the times - the introduction of the coffin - the mode of the passage - the central idea - the characteristics of writing” was born and consolidated in that period From a historical point of view, the theoretical contributions of this period have played a great role, albeit not so complete or have certain shortcomings. The second period is during the Cultural Revolution. Like other disciplines, secondary schools The study of Chinese teaching theory has plunged into unprecedented difficulties and disasters: this is the “historical blank” caused by the tragedy of history.
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