
来源 :青少年日记 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wcd_wang
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5月18日阴同学们,你们每天没事的时候都低头做什么呢?是的,你们都在看手机。回家很少与父母交流,低头看手机;与爷爷奶奶好不容易吃一次饭,你还在低头看手机,冷落了老人;你们随时随地在低头看着手机,或上网看资讯、或收发信息、或“织围脖”、或上QQ、或玩游戏、或看电视……沉浸在手机的世界里。可你们忽略了一个重要的方面,就是读书。现在你们很难坐下来安静地读一本书。记得有一位学者 May 18 Overcast classmates, what are you doing when you're fine every day? Yes, you are all looking at the phone. Go home and rarely communicate with their parents, looking down at the phone; with my grandparents finally eat rice, you are still looking down at the phone, out of the elderly; you look down at the phone anytime, anywhere, or access information, or send and receive information, Or “Woven Collar”, or on the QQ, or play games, or watch TV ... immersed in the world of mobile phones. But you overlooked an important aspect, is reading. Now you have a hard time sitting down and reading a book quietly. I remember a scholar
Background and study aims: Endoscopy workshops are thought to be associated with larger numbers of complications than routine clinical treatment. In this study,
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AIM: To examine the sensory and motor response(s) of the stomach following fundic distention and to assess whether cholinergic mechanisms influence these respon
AIM: To investigate the characteristics and short-term efficacy of sulfasalazine (SASP) in patients with mildly and moderately active ulcerative colitis (UC). M