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为了研究有效防止李(Prunus salicinaL.)裂果问题,从乙烯利抑制果实水分超量吸收和GA3促进表皮增长角度入手,筛选试剂及其浓度、组合、剂量和施用时期最佳组合,比较各处理组合果实内物质含量及果皮细胞结构差异。采收前30d左右,向果实均匀喷布0.5g·L-1乙烯利,第2天再用0.5g·L-1GA3喷布1次,此处理组合裂果率仅为0.4%(对照21.2%),防治效果98.13%,果实可溶性糖、维生素C含量极显著高于对照,可滴定酸、含水量极显著低于对照。对照的表皮细胞很小,下皮层个别细胞很大,生长速度不同步是导致果皮胀裂的原因。乙烯利可减少果实水分,使下皮层细胞横向变窄小,并由纵向长条形变为横向长条形排列,果皮不易纵向开裂。GA3使表皮细胞明显增大。乙烯利与GA3配合施用,使表皮和下皮层两部分细胞同步增长。单独使用乙烯利易引起落果,降低果实含糖量,结合使用GA3可防止落果,增加含糖量。 In order to study the effective prevention of Prunus salicina L. from the point of view of ethephon inhibition of fruit moisture over-absorption and GA3 promotion of epidermal growth, the optimal combinations of the agents and their concentration, combination, dosage and application period were screened, and the treatment combinations Contents of fruit material and differences in pericarp cell structure. 0.5g · L-1 ethephon was evenly sprayed on the fruit and 0.5g · L-1GA3 on the second day. The rate of fissure in this treatment was only 0.4% (21.2% of the control) , The control effect was 98.13%. The contents of soluble sugar and vitamin C in fruit were significantly higher than those in control. Titratable acidity and water content were significantly lower than those in control. Control of epidermal cells is very small, the individual cells of the lower cortex, the growth rate is not synchronized is the cause of pericarp rupture. Ethephon can reduce the fruit moisture, so that the subcortical cells narrowed transversely small, and by the longitudinal strip into a horizontal strip-shaped arrangement, the peel is not easy to longitudinal cracking. GA3 significantly increased epidermal cells. Ethephon and GA3 with the application of the epidermis and the cortex of the two parts of the cell growth simultaneously. The use of ethephon alone caused drop fruit, reducing fruit sugar content, combined with GA3 can prevent fruit drop, increase sugar content.
1,8-双-(二氯乙酰胺基)-辛烷(I,WIN 18446)具有抗生精作用本所合成的该药进行动物试验,证明有效。国内曾作为男用避孕药进行临床试用,效果也好;但剂量大,起效慢,又不可饮酒,
很多年来,东莨菪碱一直被用于预防晕动病。通常是口服,但也可注射给药。随其应用有关的副作用则有:中枢神经系统障碍、口干、腱状肌麻痹和嗜睡等。现已发明一种新的药物 Sc
4′—表—阿霉素(4′—epi-Dx)是与阿霉素同类的、具有广谱抗动物肿瘤活性的一种新蒽醌类衍生物.临床前研究表明,在等效量下,其全身和心脏毒性比阿霉素低.4′—epi—Dx 的血