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第一次知道“小渊基金”是在2007年8月我刚到四川省林业厅对外交流合作处工作的时候,当时小渊基金启动实施项目已有近8年历史。通过同事的介绍和互联网上十万余条相关信息的查询学习,我对“小渊基金”有了快速而深刻的认 For the first time I realized that “Obuchi Fund” was in August 2007 when I first came to work in the Foreign Exchange and Cooperation Office of the Forestry Department of Sichuan Province. At that time, the Obuchi Fund started its implementation project for nearly eight years. Through the introduction of colleagues and more than 100,000 articles on the Internet, inquiries and inquiries, I have a quick and profound recognition of “Obuchi Fund ”
Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium balances for agroecosystems in China from 1993 to 2001 were calculated at national and provincial levels using statistical d
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The sustainable development of our future represents an unorthodox challenge in sciences and technologies.The exploration of unconventional chemical reactivitie
全球金融危机、国际油价大跌给石油石化企业带来莫大的生产经营压力。然而,困难面前,我们必须坚定信心,创造性地化危为机。 The global financial crisis, the drop in inte
审批★滨绥铁路牡丹江至绥芬河段扩能改造工程可行性研究报告★黄陵至韩城至侯马铁路可行性研究报告 Approval ★ Bin Sui Sui Mingsui Sui Fen River expansion project fe
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用激光二极管列阵泵浦钕玻璃,得到TEM00模最大输出功率为500mW,斜效率38%. Pumped neodymium glass with a laser diode array, TEM00 maximum output power of 500mW, oblique efficiency o