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10年,在历史的长河中不过是短暂的一瞬。1978—1988年这一瞬间,在新中国的新闻学研究史上却是令人激动和难以忘怀的.中国社会科学院新闻研究所的历史,从一定程度上说,是这10年新闻学研究的缩影.1978年8月,刚刚建立的新闻研究所只有一纸批文和从人民日报、新华社、中国社会科学院抽调的几个人,但它竖立起了一面旗帜:新闻学将要作为独立的学科自立于中国社会科学之林。在这面旗帜下,两个月便集合了来自全国各地80多名新闻研究生,几位 10 years, in the long history of the river is only a brief moment. The moment of 1978-1988 was an exciting and memorable one in the history of journalism in new China. The history of the Institute of Journalism of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, to a certain extent, is a microcosm of the study of journalism in the past 10 years In August 1978, the newly established Institute of Journalism had only one piece of paper approved and several people drawn from the People’s Daily, Xinhua News Agency and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, but it erected a banner: Journalism is to be established as an independent discipline in China Social Science of the forest. Under this banner, two months have brought together more than 80 news graduate students from all over the country.
1 品种来源:平凉大板籽南瓜代号09012,系甘肃省平凉地区农科所1986年从吉林省桦甸县引进的地方品种(编号09)中经集团选择和混合选择于1991年育成,1992年经甘肃省农作物品种
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