
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yingq
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CO_2 removal from biogas by water washing system was investigated with various parameters,including liquid/gas ratio,pressure,temperature,and CO_2 content.The results indicate that CO_2 removal ratio could reach 34.6%-94.2%as liquid/gas ratio increased from 0.14 to 0.50.Increasing pressure(from 0.8 to 1.2 MPa) could improve gas purification with a constant inflow rate of gas.Temperature played a key role in the process and lower temperature in absorption tower was beneficial for reducing CO_2 content.CO_2 removal ratio could reach 24.4%-83.2%when CO_2 content in the simulated gas was 25%-45%.The lowest CO_2 content after absorption was 2.6%at1.2 MPa with 400 L·h~(-1) gas flow and 200 L·h~(-1) water flow,which meets the requirement of CO_2 content in natural gas for vehicle fuel. CO_2 removal from biogas by water washing system was investigated with various parameters, including liquid / gas ratio, pressure, temperature, and CO_2 content. Results that results in CO_2 removal ratio could reach 34.6% -94.2% as liquid / gas ratio increased from 0.14 to 0.50.Increasing pressure (from 0.8 to 1.2 MPa) could improve gas purification with a constant inflow rate of gas. Temperatures played a key role in the process and lower temperature in absorption tower were beneficial for reducing CO_2 content. CO_2 removal ratio could reach 24.4% -83.2% when CO_2 content in the simulated gas was 25% -45%. The lowest CO_2 content after absorption was 2.6% at 1.2 MPa with 400 L · h -1 gas flow and 200 L · h ~ (-1) water flow, which meets the requirement of CO 2 content in natural gas for vehicle fuel.
Background. Zolpidem, a hypnotic drug, is occasionally taken in high doses by some drug addicts for its hallucinogenic properties. Case report. We report the or
简要叙述了企业管理中知识管理的概念、管理过程及管理目标,详细论述了企业知识管理的需求及应用,提出了企业知识化进程中面临的4大难题。 Briefly described the concept o
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