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山东素有“齐鲁之邦”、“孔孟之乡”的称号,千年文化的渊源让这片土地积淀了太多的稳重、正统和中庸。在很多人的记忆里,这里缺少大都市匆忙的节奏,缺少夜生活喧嚣繁华的灯光,步伐缓缓的,表情淡淡的,正像老舍先生描绘她的省会济南时说的:“一个老城,有山有水,全在蓝天底下,很暖和安适地睡着,只等春风来把它唤醒。”只是仿佛在一夜之间,就全变了,变得让人简直都不敢认它了:酒吧、咖啡馆、西餐厅、日本料理、韩式烧烤……就如雨后春笋,在鳞次栉比的中餐馆间次第开放;浪漫、情调、品位……这些词汇也已经成为不可缺少的关于生活品质的代名词;咖啡、奶茶、果汁、鸡尾酒,一款款从西方舶来的饮品渐渐成为人们的新宠。乍一回眸,恍若惊鸿一瞥,现在的山东竟新鲜得让人眩晕,套用胡兰成的一句话:“我时常以为很懂得什么叫惊艳,遇到真事,却艳亦不是那种艳法,惊亦不是那种惊法。”点击山东的时尚,就从点击“食尚”开始吧。 Shandong is known as the “state of Qilu” and “the hometown of Confucius and Mencius.” The origins of the millennium culture have accumulated too much stability, orthodoxy and moderation in this land. In many people’s memories, there is a lack of metropolitan rhythm, the lack of night-time hustle and bustle of lights, paced, expressionless, just as Mr. Lao She describes her capital, Jinan, said: “An Old Town, there There was water in the mountains, all under the blue sky, so warm and comfortable asleep, only to arouse it in the spring breeze. ”It was as if, overnight, it was all changed, making it almost unbelievable: the bar , Coffee shops, western restaurants, Japanese cuisine, Korean barbecue ... ... springing up in row upon row of Chinese restaurants open; romance, mood, taste ... these words have also become an indisputable synonym for quality of life; coffee , Milk tea, fruit juices, cocktails, a section of the drinks imported from the West gradually become the new favorite. At first glance reminding us of scenes reminding us of scenes reminding us of scenes reminding us of scenes reminding us of scenes reminding us of scenes like a glimpse of shandong now surprisingly fresh make people stunned, apply Hu Lancheng’s words: “I often think that very amazing what is amazing, encountered the real thing, but Yan is not the kind of Yan method, Not surprising is the kind of shock. ”Click on the fashion in Shandong, from clicking on the“ food still ”start.
据全球著名咨询公司GFK Kynetec的研究数据,2013年,全球农药市场的市值约为1070亿美元,其中作物保护用农药市场的市值约800亿美元,占74.77%;非农用农药市场的市值约为270亿美
结束在加勒比海的游艇假期之后,不妨沿着美国东海岸一路北上,你将欣赏到大都市的繁华,小城镇的魅力和沿岸港口那迷人的绮丽景色。 After your yacht vacation in the Caribb
我之前以为游艇只是一小群人的生活,来到摩纳哥之后才发现,这其实是一种生活理念和态度,不单是奢华,更是一种品位。 I used to think that the yacht was just a small grou
Huang Daxian Temple was built in 1899, repaired in 1904 and rebuilt in 1997. After rebuilding, the temple is oblong and covers an area of 13 thousand square met