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进行耐热训练的必要性资料显示,在南亚的一些国家,每年都会有至少数百人死于酷暑的热浪侵袭。可同样是面对炙人的热浪,为什么有些人受到的影响却很小呢?细究原因,还是因为人的热耐受能力不同所致。尤其是随着空调的普及,人的耐热能力普遍降低。人体的耐热应激蛋白因长期缺乏外部刺激会减少合成,进入高温环境后就很容易中暑,特别是体质本就偏弱的老人及儿童,更是容易中招。而适当的耐热训练可以提 The need for heat-resistant training Information shows that in some countries in South Asia, at least hundreds of people are killed each year by heat waves. The same is the face of the hot heat waves, and why some people are affected by the effects of small? Fine to reason, or because of human heat tolerance due to different. Especially with the popularity of air conditioners, people’s heat resistance is generally reduced. Due to long-term lack of external stimuli, the human body’s heat-stress-resistant protein can reduce the synthesis and easily get sunstroke after entering the high-temperature environment. In particular, it is easier for the elderly and children whose constitution is weaker. The appropriate heat-resistant training can be mentioned
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