Shoot multiplication and plant regeneration in Caragana fruticosa (Pall.) Besser

来源 :林业研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dasmine
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Different nutrient media can affectin vitro culturing protocols,and experimentation under varied growth conditions is valuable in plants where in vitro methods are in preliminary stages.We carried out the first in vitro propagation studies for the endangered species Caragana fruticosa (Fabaceae).We evaluated various nutrient media for their inpact on shoot elongation and axillary bud proliferation using different concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) and α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA).Shoot elongation was evaluated based on adventitious shoot primary culture and subculture regeneration from Caragana seedlings.Our goal was to improve both micropropagation and regeneration in C.fruticosa.MS nutrient media was superior to 1/2MS macronutrients,DKW,QL,and WPM for shoot elongation and axillary shoot proliferation.Shoots grown on 1/2MS and WPM exhibited some chlorosis,and shoots on QL produced larger leavers than plants growing on normal medium.The shoot proliferation coefficient on MS media supplemented with 2.22 μM BA and 0.44 μM BA + 2.69 μM NAA was significantly higher than that with other treatments in the primary culture.Shoots on 2.22 μM BA showed a higher proliferation coefficient (3.17) than others in the subculture.Shoots were rooted on 1/2MS medium with the addition of different concentrations of NAA.The optimal concentration for rooting was 0.27 μM NAA (74%).Roots exhibited many stout and long root hairs.Survivl of established plantlets was 82% at 30 days after transfer to soil.Plants established in the green house showed normal growth and displayed no apparent morphological differences compared to stock plants.
一、温和型禽流感(一)流行情况 流感以横向传播为主,病禽通过消化道、呼吸道排出病毒,通过尘埃、饲料、饮水、鸟类等传播,因此传播迅速,一旦感染,很容易引起全群鸡的暴发,甚至
本刊讯 7月7~10日,由广东省农科院花卉研究所、华南农业大学、仲恺农学院及省各市农科研究中心35名专家教授组成的广东省现代农业产业技术体系花卉创新团队,专程前往梅州市梅江