Can Real-Name Registration Clean Up Micro-Blogs?

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  Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau and related departments have issued a regulation to strengthen the management of Twitter-like micro-blogs. The regulation, issued on December 16, 2011, requires Internet companies registered in the city and offering micro-blogging services to have their users register with their real names and personal information. Users’ identity information must be validated before they begin blogging. Starting March 16, 2012, microbloggers without real-name registration will not be allowed to blog.
  The regulation will have a huge impact on China’s 500 million Internet users and those who participate in major micro-blogging sites like Sina, Sohu and Netease.
  Beijing is China’s first city to demand real-name registration, a move that has sparked controversy.
  Supporters believe the regulation will help foster a healthier Internet culture free of rumors and fear mongering, protect Internet users’ rights and prevent personalities from influencing Internet conversations.
  Opponents argue this practice will limit free speech and cause losses to micro-blog operators because of diminishing numbers of users.
  An Chuanxiang
  The regulation is good news for those who mean to conduct normal communication through micro-blogs.
  If micro-blogs are glutted with rumors and fraudulent information, the public will gradually lose confidence and interest in them. Real-name registration will reduce online fraud, prevent rumors from spreading and make the Internet environment more clean and reliable. In this way, micro-blogs’ authenticity as new media will be strengthened.
  There is no need for the Internet users to worry about leaking personal information by registering real names as the regulation requires micro-blog operators be responsible for protecting users’information.
  Beijing’s regulation is a tangible step forward in promoting micro-blogs’ development.
  Bi Yantao professor in communication
  In the long run, real-name registration will help clean up the web.
  Privacy protection is one of the excuses used to resist real-name registration. But the problem here is actually the loopholes in the operation, and thus it’s unfair to totally blame the real-name registration system itself. Even if real-name registration is required, outspo- ken bloggers will not retreat, and thus we don’t need to worry about the loss of these online critics.
  Real-name registration has actually long been adopted on the Internet by social network platforms, e-business websites and ebanks. The key now is how to improve the online environment for real-name registration. The government, micro-blog operators and micro-bloggers should all strengthen the sense of responsibility to protect netizens’ privacy.
  Hu Yihua a lawyer in beijing
  In my opinion, the real-name registration for micro-blogs will strengthen netizens’ sense of self-discipline and make it possible to protect the legitimate interests when netizens’ rights of reputation are infringed on.
  Privacy can be protected even though the regulation is implemented. Bloggers are only required to give their real names to website administrators before putting up micro-blog posts, but they are free to choose their screen names.
  The adoption of real-name registration will greatly increase the credibility of information on micro-blogs. In such a trustworthy environment, people tend to set up interpersonal connections more easily. Meanwhile, from the legal perspective, it will better protect netizens’ rights and interests. Once netizens’ right of reputation is infringed upon, they will have somewhere to turn to.
  Wang Jianxun
  I don’t approve of the adoption of real-name registration regulation.
  People will lose their right of free speech due to the regulation. The essence of free speech is that people are able to freely criticize the government and express personal opinions on public affairs. It also means channels of voicing are provided and protected. The government should not limit or block the channels.
  In a society where the right of free speech is protected, rumors and false information is unavoidable. If the rumors aim at individuals and harm their reputation, law can punish those who spread rumors. If they are aimed at government, relevant authorities can clarify them and release the truth to the public. Therefore, there is no need to ask for users’ real names only because of worries about spreading rumors.
  The micro-blog is a platform for communication and in general most users are expressing their opinions in strict accordance to laws and regulations. It is not a hotbed for criminals.
  Zhang sha company employee in beijing
  It is unnecessary to require users’ real names to open micro-blog accounts.
  Problems brought about by current micro-blog registration procedures, such as rampant spreading of rumors and false information, can be prevented and solved through other means. In cyberspace people are aware that some information is not true and they can distinguish truth from rumors using common sense. And with current technology, it is totally possible to trace those who commit crime on the Internet.
  Micro-blogs play a positive role in public affairs, which cannot be replaced by other media.
  Luo Zhiyuan
  As a supplement to traditional media, micro-blogs are playing a crucial role in China’s public affairs. The reason why truth can be revealed on micro-blogs is that it doesn’t require users’ real names.
  To clean up cyberspace, I don’t think real-name registration is the only way. It is better to manage and supervise the Internet through legal means. Meanwhile, micro-blogging operators should also strengthen supervision on their own websites by filtering inappropriate content and screening users who publish false information.
  Disadvantaged groups who feel they have no other choice to have their voices heard usually make radical remarks on micro-blogs. In this case it’s better for the government to open more channels of communication for people to express their problems.
  Sometimes we tend to go to extremes. It’s unwise to label micro-blogs as “danger” just because rumors manage to spread. The real-name registration practice is unable to fundamentally tackle the problem. The most effective way is that the government encourages as many users as possible to register with real names, instead of forcing them to do so, supplemented by strong supervision and tough punishment of online crimes.
【摘要】现代公共文化服务是现代公共服务的重要组成部分,向公民和社会提供有效的基本公共文化服务是现代政府的职责和施政的重要目标之一。怀远县文广旅新局坚持以人为本的理念,根据群众的切实需求,分别从创新服务,精心打造旅游品牌;创新监管,规范文化民生工程;创新宣传,传播持续发展正能量等层面来完善现代公共文化服务体系,提升公共文化服务供给能力,以此来满足人民群众日益增长的公共文化需求。  【关键词】公共文化