
来源 :中老年保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hxlatxx
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更年期是妇女由中年到老年的过渡时期,它以绝经为重要标志。在绝经前后这段时期,妇女身心要发生很大变化,许多女性会陷入种种困境。同时,由于人类生存寿命逐渐延长,妇女将有三分之一的生命历程在绝经后度过,因此更年期的健康无疑是老年健康的重要因素。所以,如何顺利度过更年期,提高生活质量,为老年健康打下基础,是每一位步入更年期的女性都特别关心的问题。 Menopause is a transitional period from middle age to old age for women, which is an important symbol of menopause. During the period before and after menopause, women’s physical and mental changes are going to take many changes. Many women are in trouble. In the meantime, women will have one-third of their life course after menopause due to the prolongation of human life expectancy. Therefore, the health of menopause is undoubtedly an important factor in the health of the elderly. Therefore, how to smoothly pass menopause, improve the quality of life and lay the foundation for the health of the elderly is a special concern for every woman who enters the menopause.
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(1) 进水手机 :进水严重的手机。从外观看可能会有以下现象 :外壳明显潮湿 ;显示屏上有水珠或水雾 ;电池触点上有绿色附着物 ;后壳的标签不像正常机那样平整。当然 ,要更确
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“早捷”由美国纽约州农业试验站育成,1985年中国农科院郑州果树所引种。果实扁园形,平均单果重140g,果皮底色黄绿,全果面着浓红色,果面有蜡质光泽,鲜 “Early” by the Ne