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《祖国——母亲》是《伏尔加格勒战役英雄纪念碑》的主体雕塑。1942年7月12日,入侵苏联的德国法西斯军队直抵伏尔加格勒城下,苏联人民誓死保卫城市,与敌人浴血奋战。战斗极为激烈,经过6个多月,终于在1943年2月2日获得全胜。第二次世界大战之后,苏联政府在当年的主战场玛玛耶夫 “Motherland - Mother” is the main sculpture of “Monument to Heroes of Battle Volgograd”. On July 12, 1942, the German fascist forces that invaded the Soviet Union reached the city of Volgograd directly. The Soviet people vowed to defend the city and fought bloody battles with their enemies. Fight was extremely fierce, after more than 6 months, finally won the victory on February 2, 1943. After the Second World War, the Soviet government in the main battlefield that year Mamayev
利用扫描电子显微镜和透射电子显微镜对热轧后双相钢的微观组织进行分析,用Image-Pro Plus软件测定双相钢微观组织中各独立相的体积分数.根据多相材料中间混合法则和Swift方
The Zhelin Bay is an estuary that supports intensive aquaculture in South China. Aside from traditional nutrient inputs derived from waste water and agriculture
Temperature anomaly in the Indian Ocean is closely related to that in the Pacific Ocean because of the Walker circulation and the Indonesian throughflow. So onl
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This article deals with statistical analysis of pressure fluctuations at the bottom of spatial hydraulic jumps with abrupt lateral expansions. The effects of th
The interannual variability of the mass transport of the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) is very possible to be connected with the El Ni!o- Southern Oscillation (E
According to the freely linear Rossby wave theory, global 1°×1° climatology of Rossby deformation radius and phase speed are studied under the flat bottom fl